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There are some unique English words that have a beautiful sound and meaning to them. Perhaps, that’s why many parents prefer using these words to name their babies. So, here we bring you a list of word names for boys and girls you can refer to for naming your baby. This exhaustive list has names, some of which are evergreen and some long-forgotten yet relevant even today. So, take a plunge into the ocean of unique baby names after enchanting plants, famous cities, words with deep meanings, and more.
Word Names For Boys
1. Alfa
The name Alfa has a Greek origin and means “beginning.”
2. Anchor
The name Anchor has an English origin, and it means “stability.”
3. Anthem
The name Anthem does not just mean an old or patriotic song. It is actually defined as an uplifting or inspiring song.
4. Arrow
It is a unisex baby name of English origin, and it means “a dart fired from a bow.” Arrow is also a famous US television series, which is based on the comic hero, Green Arrow.
5. Ash
According to Greek mythology, the word Ash is derived from an ash tree. A few other variations of this name are Asher or Ashton.
6. Baker
The word baker is not just associated with someone who bakes, but it is also a famous surname of Old English origin.
7. Bay
It originally meant someone with reddish-brown hair. But in Vietnamese, it means “born on Saturday.”
8. Bear
This name has its roots in Old German and Old French, and means “to be as brave and strong as a bear.”
9. Beta
The name Beta has a Greek origin and can be found in The Bible’s Old Testament. It means “the oath of God.”
10. Bill
Bill is a very well-known old school name with an English origin, and it means “with a gilded helmet.”
11. Birch
The name Birch has an Old English origin and means “shining” or “bright” or refers to the Birch tree.
12. Blaze
The meaning of Blaze in Latin means “fire.” Although it is a unisex name, it is most preferred to name baby boys.
13. Blue
The color Blue is associated with the sky and the sea, and means “shining.”
14. Brave
The word Brave has been used a lot of times in history. This English word means “courageous” or “strong enough to face any fear.”
15. Brent
It comes from Old English and means “a high place” or “the holy one.” It is a masculine name, which gives a kind, attractive, and fun-loving personality to the bearer.
16. Bright
Bright is an adorable name, and it means “full of hope” or “the exalted one.”
17. Brio
The name Brio is packed with a lot of energy. The Italian origin name means “zest” or “vivacity.”
18. Caliber
It is originally derived from the Arabic word “qalib,” meaning a “casting mold.”
19. Canyon
The word Canyon comes from Spanish and means “a long tube.” The English meaning of the name is “a large ravine.”
20. Cash
The name cash is associated with prosperity. It comes from Old French and means “custodian of wealth.”
21. Chandler
Chandler comes from the Old French word “Chandelier.” You must remember the surname Chandler Bing, from the famous television show “friends.”
22. Chase
Chase means to “catch” or “seize.” It also means a hunter and comes from Old English.
23. Chord
The name Chord has musical connotations to it, and it means “to play in total harmony.”
24. Chosen
The name Chosen represents a bright and very nice person. It can also mean “the chosen one from God.”
25. Clay
Clay is a very common name used by the characters of many movies and television shows. It has an English origin and leans strongly towards boys.
26. Colt
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The Old English name Colt means “a young horse.” It defines a person with enthusiasm and liveliness.
27. Concord
It comes from the Latin word Concorde, meaning “hearts together” or “harmony.”
28. Copper
In the early days, Copper was mined from the island of Cyprus, and ancient Romans used to call the island copper. It also refers to the Roman Goddess Venus.
29. Cove
The word cove means a sheltered area in the hills, valleys, or mountains.
30. Credence
Credence is a unisex name and comes from the Latin word “credere,” meaning “to believe.”
31. Crew
The name Crew comes from English and means a group of people. It also represents unity, bond, and closeness.
32. Cruz
The word Cruz has Spanish and Portuguese origins. It is a Christian name derived from the word cross.
33. Dare
A unique name that is quite popular among parents who wish their boy to have a strong personality.
34. Day
It is a short and sweet name that represents charm and brightness.
35. Dean
It is derived from an Anglo-Saxon word, which means “valley.”
36. Diver
Diver refers to someone who goes to deep oceans for exploration. It represents someone who has a strong exploratory nature.
37. Dodge
The name has an English origin and is commonly used to name boys. It is also the name of a famous car manufacturer.
38. Drummer
It is a unique name with musical connotations to it. The name is more popular as a middle name.
39. Duke
The name Duke comes from Latin and means “nobility” or “leader.”
40. Dune
The English name Dune means “a mountain of sand,” and is also used to refer to a brown-skinned soldier.
41. Elm
Elm is a common middle name and refers to someone strong and positive. It also refers to the Elm Tree.
42. Endeavor
It represents someone with a strong personality. The name comes from Middle English and means “to make an effort.”
43. Ever
The name Ever has its roots in the Old Scandinavian language and means “wild as a boar.”
44. Falcon
Falcon is a very common boys’ name of Latin origin. It refers to a bird from the hawk family.
45. Flint
The name Flint has an Old English origin, and it means “a stream.”
46. Foster
Foster is a very popular name and surname in North America. You might also have heard of the famous comedian Foster Brooks.
47. Frost
The name has its origin in the Old Scandinavian language and refers to winter. It makes for an ideal name for a baby born in the winter.
48. Gable
The word has an Old Norse origin and refers to a triangular hill. It also means “bright” or “God” in Old German.
49. Garnet
Garnet is associated with the color red and is the name of a precious stone similar to ruby.
50. Gather
The name Gather means “to assemble,” “to collect,” or “bring together.” It represents unity and bond.
51. Golden
Golden refers to someone who is special and precious. It is a popular unisex name in many parts of the world.
52. Hale
It is a unique name with an Old English origin. It means “hollow” or “recess.”
53. Harbor
Harbor refers to a place where ships standby for shelter. This name creates a sense of protectiveness and trust.
54. Hardy
Hardy is a popular first name and surname of Old French origin. It means “bold and courageous.”
55. Harper
The meaning of Harper is “a harp player.” It is a unique unisex name.
56. Hart
The Old English name Hart means “to be strong” or “brave.”
57. Harvest
The word has its origin in Old English and means “autumn.”
58. Hawk
Hawk is a strong bird that thrives in the wild. The name Hawk creates a sense of vitality and strength.
59. Hero
The name Hero has a Greek origin, and means “the bravest one of all the people.”
60. Hunter
Hunter is a very common surname and first name. It has an Old English origin and signifies strength.
61. Jasper
The name has a Persian origin and originally referred to someone who worked as a treasurer.
62. Jordan
Jordan is a biblical name and of Hebrew origin. It means “flowing down.” According to the Bible the river Jordan is also known as the river of judgment.
63. Judge
It is a unique name for a boy and means “a person who makes the decision.”
64. Justice
Justice is a unisex name, which is predominantly given to boys. It refers to being righteous and upright.
65. Keen
The name has its origin in Old Norse and means “to be proud and wise.”
66. Kin
Kin has a Japanese origin and means “golden.”
67. Kindred
Kindred means a group of people, family, or clan. It also refers to a strong bond or relationship between people.
68. King
The name King comes from Old English and a strong name for a boy.
69. Knight
It was a popular name during medieval times and “noble,” “upright,” or “a warrior.”
70. Leaf
Leaf is a short and sweet English name and refers to someone dear or beloved.
71. Legacy
The name Legacy is of English origin and means “an inheritance.”
72. Link
Link is a modern English name, which is mostly used by parents considering boy names. It is also another form of the name Lincoln.
73. Lion
The Lion is the king of the jungle. The masculine name represents someone who is a ruler, fierce, strong, and brave.
74. Loden
The name likely has a Norwegian origin and means “someone who is focused.”
75. London
It is the name of the famous city of Roman origin. It is also popular as a middle name.
76. Lynx
The name has a Latin origin and refers to a wildcat. It also represents someone with brightness and luminescence similar to those found in a cat’s eyes.
77. March
It is the name of the third month in the Gregorian calendar. It also makes for a strong masculine name for a boy.
78. Mark
It is a contraction of the Latin name Marcus, which comes from Mars, a Roman God.
79. Miles
The name Miles has both Irish and German Origins. It means a “servant” or “soldier.”
80. Moss
The biblical name Moss is of English origin, and it means “the descendant of Moses.”
81. Navy
It is a unique name that refers to a fleet of ships. The name has a Latin origin.
82. Noble
Noble has a Latin origin and means “aristocratic” or “elite.”
83. North
It is a different name for a boy and refers to the northern direction. The name has an Old Norse origin.
84. Oak
It refers to the oak tree. The oak tree is a symbol of strength, solidity, and longevity.
85. Ocean
The boy’s name Ocean comes from Latin and Greek and refers to a large and majestic water body.
86. Pace
It is a short and sweet name for your boy. Pace has an Old French origin and it was a popular name during medieval times.
87. Page
It comes from Middle English and originally referred to a young boy training to be a knight.
88. Painter
The name Painter means someone who paints, and it is of English origin. This name creates a sense of creativity and imagination.
89. Parrish
The Christian name Parrish refers to an area defined by religion. It is a common surname and is also used as a first or middle name.
90. Pascal
Pascal is a common Christian name and means “the one who is born on Easter day.”
91. Pilot
Pilot comes from Greek and refers to someone who operates and steers a boat, aircraft, or any other automobile.
92. Pioneer
Pioneer comes from Old French and refers to someone who is first at doing something or the first to attain achievement.
93. Prosper
The name Prosper has been used by several saints in the past. It means “favorable” or “fortunate” and has a Latin origin.
94. Quest
Quest is a common unisex name. It means “a long search for something precious.” It represents someone who can overcome all hardships.
95. Race
Race refers to a running competition. This name represents someone who is competitive, popular, and striving.
96. Racer
It is a unique and modern name for a boy and refers to a participant in a race.
97. Rally
The word has multiple meanings, but as a name, it is shortened form of Ralph, which has a Scandinavian origin and means a “counselor.”
98. Ranger
The name has a French origin and means “forest guardian.”
99. Raven
It is the name of a bird. The name Raven symbolizes affection, fertility, and wisdom.
100. Ray
Ray refers to a ray of light or a ray of sunshine. It also means “a wise protector.”
101. Reason
The name Reason is derived from Old French and refers to a rational person.
102. Red
The name comes from Old English and Old Norse. It is a gender-neutral name and has a modern touch to it.
103. Reed
It is related to the name Red and comes from Old English. It was originally used as a nickname and is also used as a last name.
104. Reef
It refers to a ridge of rocks or other materials, usually within the water. The name comes from Old Dutch.
105. Resolute
Resolute is quite a unique name and means “to have determination and firmness.”
106. Revel
It is a simple and sweet name, which means “to rejoice” or “have joy.”
107. Revere
Revere is a common boy’s name and comes from Latin. It means “to admire” or “reverence.”
108. Rich
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It has an English origin and refers to someone wealthy or a brave ruler.
109. Rise
It has an Old German origin and means “to elevate” or “move upwards.”
110. Rob
It is a contraction of Robert, which comes from German and means “bright,” “shining,” or “fame.”
111. Rocket
Rocket is a different name for your boy and it has an Italian origin. It gives its bearer a heroic aura.
112. Rocky
It is a cognate of Rocco, which comes German and means “rest.” The name is a popular first name and nickname in many parts of the world.
113. Roman
It is a cognate of romance, which means passionate affection. It is also associated with the Roman Empire.
114. Rome
It is a Latin name derived from the name Rome, the capital of Italy.
115. Russet
It refers to a reddish-brown color. The name represents someone who is fierce, brave, and strong.
116. Rusty
It is a common name of American origin and was originally used as a nickname for a person with reddish hair.
117. Rye
The name is likely related to the Irish word “Ri,” which means “King.”
118. Sailor
The name Sailor is of German origin, and is a unisex baby name.
119. Sea
The word comes from Old Norse and refers to a water body close to or enclosed by land.
120. Seven
It is a unique name for your little one and refers to the number seven.
121. Shelter
Shelter is a unique name of American origin. The name represents someone who is protective, safe, and warm.
122. Sydney
The name Sydney comes from Old English and means “wide island.” It is also the name of a famous Australian city.
123. Sincere
The meaning of Sincere is “honest.” This name is popular in many parts of the world, especially North America.
124. Slate
The name was originally an occupational name for a person who mined the slate rock. The name makes for a unique name these days.
125. Solace
The word comes from Latin and represents someone who exudes a sense of comfort and calmness.
126. Solo
It comes from the Latin word “solus,” meaning “alone.” The name Solo brings back the nostalgic name of Han Solo from the “Star Wars” movie.
127. Steel
It is the name of the iron alloy known for its incredible durability. The name Steel represents someone strong and resolute.
128. Sterling
It is a toponymic name referring to someone originally from the Scottish city of Stirling.
129. Stone
Stone has an English origin and is a common name in the British Isles. The name represents someone strong and resolute.
130. Storm
It makes for a unique name for your little one. Storm has its origin in Old Norse.
131. Story
Story is a unisex American name and it means “a tale.”
132. Summit
The name comes from Old French and refers to the apex or the highest part of a hill.
133. Timber
Timber refers to a type of wood. The name was likely an occupational name for someone who worked in processing or cutting timber.
134. Tony
It is a contraction of Anthony, which comes from the Greek word “anthos,” meaning “flower.”
135. Trace
The name likely has a Greek origin and refers to someone who is brave or the one with a pleasant personality.
136. Track
The name comes from Old Norse and means “a path.” The name represents someone who has natural leadership skills and is a path creator.
137. Trail
The name has its origin in Old English. Trail gives a sense of the mountains, nature, or outdoors.
138. Trek
Trek has its origin in Old Dutch and refers to a long and difficult journey. It is also a common nickname and surname.
139. Trip
It refers to a short journey and is a common nickname in many parts of the world. It is also sometimes used to refer to a child who was born third.
140. True
True means “genuine,” “real,” or “faithful.” It makes for a short and sweet name for your little boy.
141. Trust
The name has its origin in Old English. It means “loyal,” “faithful,” or “reliable.”
142. Truth
The word comes from the Old Norse word “tryggth,” which means “faith.” The strong name gives the bearer a sense of trust and faith.
143. Valor
This medieval Latin name means “strong,” “brave” or “bold.”
144. Water
The name Water has spiritual connotations and represents “birth and fertility.” It also represents life, making it an awesome name for your baby boy.
145. Wilder
It is a toponymic name that originally referred to someone who lived in the wild or near a forest. It is also a common surname.
146. Winter
Winter refers to the coldest season of the year, and also signifies the time before the arrival of spring.
147. Wise
Wise refers to someone who is prudent and with astute skills of judgment. The word has its origin in Old English and Old Norse.
148. Wolf
Wolf is one of the most striking animals in the spiritual realm. They are ambiguous, loyal, strong, and united. Thus, it makes for a strong masculine name for your boy.
149. Woods
Woods is a common English name and surname, and originally referred to someone who lived near the woods or the forest.
150. Zen
This name has a Chinese origin and refers to meditation. The name has a modern and traditional tone to it.
Word Names For Girls
151. Amber
Amber is an elegant feminine name. It is of English origin and refers to the beautiful orange-colored tree resin.
152. Amazon
According to Ancient Greek mythology, Amazon was a tribe of female warriors. This name refers to a strong and independent woman.
153. Amethyst
The name Amethyst refers to a precious purple jewel. It is of Greek origin and makes for an ideal name for your precious daughter.
154. Angel
Angel is a common Christian girl name and means “a messenger of God.”
155. April
The name April has a Latin origin and means “to open.” It makes for a unique name for a girl born in the month of April.
156. Art
It comes from the Latin word “artem.” It is often associated with someone who is creative and imaginative.
157. Ash
Ash is a short form of the common name Ashley. This easy-to-pronounce name also refers to the Ash tree.
158. Aurora
According to Roman mythology, Aurora is the Goddess of dawn and sunrise. It makes for a lovely and unique name for your little girl.
159. Autumn
It is the name of the season and originates from Latin. This name is a popular feminine name in North America.
160. Barb
It is a contraction of the name Barbara, which has its origin in Greek.
161. Blessing
The name represents someone who has been a divine gift. Blessing has an English origin and is a common feminine name.
162. Bliss
Bliss has its origin in Old English and means “intense happiness,” “joy,” or “cheer.”
163. Bluma
The unique name comes from the Yiddish word “blum,” which means “flower.”
164. Bravery
Bravery means “to be strong and powerful,” and it makes for a strong name for your baby girl.
165. Breeze
Breeze refers to a gentle and calm current of air. It makes for a sweet and soulful name for a baby girl.
166. Brie
It originates from the Irish word “brigh,” which means “powerful” or “strong.” It is a popular name in North America.
167. Brooke
Brooke is a variant of Brook, which is a toponymic English name referring to someone who lived by a brook or a stream.
168. Cadence
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Cadence originates from Italian and means “beat” or “rhythm.”
169. Camellia
It is derived from the name of the Camellia flower, which is known for its awe-inspiring beauty and resplendence.
170. Cameo
This unisex name has its roots in Italian and French, and means “skin.”
171. Candy
Candy is a shorter form of the name Candice, which is a popular American first name.
172. Carol
It is a contraction of Caroline, which comes from German. The name refers to a person with a strong will.
173. Cashmere
Cashmere is a type of wool from a Kashmir goat. It makes for a unique and modern name for a baby girl.
174. Cayenne
It comes from the name of Cayenne pepper and makes for a modern feminine name.
175. Chanel
Chanel has a French origin and is a toponymic name that referred to someone who lived by a channel or canal.
176. Charisma
The name Charisma means “charm,” and it has its origin in Greek and Latin. The name represents someone with a kind and graceful personality.
177. Charity
Charity comes from Old English and means “kindness,” “benevolence,” or “love.”
178. Chastity
The name comes from Latin and means “innocent and pure.”
179. Cherish
Cherish means “to treasure” or “to care for,” and it has its origin in French and English.
180. Cherry
It refers to the bright red fruit known for its tart flavor. It makes for an adorable name for your baby girl.
181. Christian
Christian is a common unisex name and is popular in many parts of Europe and the British Isles.
182. Christmas
Although it is a unique name, Christmas has been a popular choice in recent times. It brings out the joy and warmth of the season.
183. Cloud
The name cloud gives us an airy and cozy feeling. Even though it is a unisex name, it is more commonly given to girls.
184. Cookie
The name cookie refers to a sweet biscuit. It is of English origin.
185. Coral
A coral refers to a marine creature known for its beautiful and colorful reef formation in the sea and oceans. It makes for an awesome name for your precious little girl.
186. Crystal
Crystal is a common name and is of Greek origin. It represents someone who is pure and honest.
187. Dahlia
It comes from the name of the colorful flower, which denotes dignity and elegance. The name has its origin in the Swedish language.
188. Dawn
It refers to the moment the sun rises. The word Dawn comes from Old English and signifies the beauty of the sunrise.
189. Day
It is a short and sweet name for your precious little girl. It comes from Old English.
190. Desire
It means “to long for something,” and the name comes from Latin.
191. Destiny
Destiny is a popular American name and means “fate.”
192. Diamond
Diamond is a type of gem known for its high value and brilliance. It is an ideal name for your precious daughter.
193. Dolly
Dolly is the shorter form of the name Dorothy, which means “a gift of God.”
194. Dream
Dream is a serene name, which has been commonly used by famous personalities in recent times. It creates a sense of joy and is a mystical feminine name.
195. East
East is a modern first name, which is trendy and easy to pronounce. It has its origin in Old English.
196. Ebony
It comes from the name of the Ebony tree, which is known for its deep black wood. The name is associated with the beauty of dark color.
197. Eleven
The word comes from Middle English and refers to the number 11.
198. Emerald
It refers to the green-colored precious gem. The name has its origin in Greek.
199. Era
It comes from Latin and refers to a phase in time or an epoch. It makes for a modern name for your baby girl.
200. Eve
According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman on Earth. The word Eve comes from Hebrew and means “to breathe.”
201. Faith
The word comes from Latin and means “belief,” “trust,” and “confidence.” This feminine name can also be associated with faith in God.
202. Fantasia
The unique and modern name is the Italian word for “fantasy.”
203. Feather
The name Feather symbolizes lightness, freeness, and purity. It is a common name of American origin.
204. Fire
The name Fire is associated with fierceness and strength. It is a unique and bold name for your strong baby girl.
205. Flair
Flair refers to a person’s natural aptitude. The name has its origin in Old French.
206. Flame
Flame is another interpretation of the word fire. It also denotes fierceness, boldness, and strength.
207. Flora
The name comes from Flora, the Roman Goddess of plants and flowers. It makes for a traditional yet modern name for your baby girl.
208. Fuchsia
Fuchsia refers to a type of flower known for its beautiful shape and attractive colors. The name comes from German.
209. Glen
It is a unisex name and a variant of Glenn, which comes from the Gaelic language and means “valley.” The name also symbolizes happiness and joy.
210. Glimmer
The name glimmer means “to sparkle.” It denotes brightness, hope, and purity.
211. Glory
The sweet name for a baby girl comes from Latin and means “praise and worship.”
212. Grace
Grace is a very common Christian name, and means “a blessing.”
213. Hale
Hale is an Anglo-Saxon name, and comes from “haelaeh,” which means “a hero.”
214. Halo
Halo has its origin in Greek and Latin and refers to the disk made of light seen around a celestial object. It also refers to an aura, especially the one around an angel or a holy person.
215. Harmony
The word harmony means “a beautiful musical combination of chords.” It is a very common feminine name.
216. Hazel
Hazel is of English origin and refers to the Hazelnut tree. The name denotes authority and protection.
217. Heather
Heather is an evergreen flowering plant found in several parts of Europe. It denotes healing, success, and growth.
218. Heaven
Heaven means “home of the Gods,” and symbolizes purity and spirituality.
219. History
The word has a Greek and Latin origin and refers to a study of the past. The name symbolizes knowledge and intelligence.
220. Holly
Holly has its origin in English and refers to the Holly tree. It is a perfect name for a baby girl born during spring or winter.
221. Honesty
The word honesty denotes virtue, honor, integrity, and purity. The name has its origin in Middle English.
222. Honey
The Old English name refers to the sweet nectar. It is quite popular as first name and a nickname.
223. Hope
This beautiful and simple feminine name means “desire for fulfilment.”
224. Horizon
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The name Horizon means “apparent edge of the land.” It is popular in parts of North America.
225. Infinity
Infinity is referred to as never ending. This name can denote the endless love you have for your baby girl.
226. Ivy
Ivy is derived from the Ivy plant, which symbolises faithfulness and fidelity.
227. Ivory
Ivory means “white” or “pale,” and represents someone with purity and innocence.
228. Jade
Jade is an ornamental stone used for making jewelry and showpieces. The stone symbolizes clarity and modesty.
229. Jewel
Jewel refers to any precious gem or stone. It makes for an ideal and different name for your precious girl.
230. Journey
The word Journey has its origin in Old French and Latin. A new journey begins when you have a baby, making it an ideal name for your daughter.
231. Joy
Joy is a common name and means “immense happiness” or “delight.”
232. June
It comes from the month of June, which is named after the Roman Goddess Juno.
233. Juniper
It comes from the name of the Juniper tree, which is cultivated for its berries and timber. The name of the tree comes from Latin.
234. Justice
The name Justice means “doing right,” and has become a common name for girls in recent times.
235. Kale
Kale is derived from the Germanic name Karl, which means a “warrior” or “hero.”
236. Culture
Culture makes for a sophisticated name for a baby girl, and it comes from Old Latin.
237. Lane
Lane means “a roadway” or “a path,” and it is a gender-neutral name. It is of American origin.
238. Liberty
Liberty means “freedom” or “right to exercise free will.” The name comes from Latin.
239. Lilac
Lilac is a beautiful shrub bearing a pale purple flower. The flower denotes happiness, love, tranquillity, and passion.
240. Lily
Lilly is a very common feminine name and is derived from the name of the Lily flower. The flower symbolizes rebirth, purity, and passion.
241. Love
Love is another word for affection and is derived from Old English. It makes for a common first and middle name.
242. Lucky
Lucky means “fortunate,” and is perhaps the finest name to give your baby girl.
243. May
May is yet another month’s name, which is also used as a name of a girl. It is derived from the name of the Greek Goddess, Maia.
244. Melody
Melody refers to a song or a pleasant music, and the name has its origin in Greek.
245. Mercy
Mercy has an English origin and means “compassion and virtue.”
246. Merry
Merry is one of the classic names for babies born on or around Christmas. It means “light-hearted and happy.”
247. Miracle
Miracle is a common girl’s name from Latin, and it means “marvel” or “wonder.”
248. Misty
The name misty means “full of mist.” It denotes a sweet and charming person.
249. Moxie
It is a name of American origin and means “free-spirited, energetic, and attractive.” It is a retro name still used by many people.
250. Nature
The word nature refers to the elements of the natural world. It is popular in many parts of North America.
251. North
It refers to the northern direction and has its origin in Old Norse. North is a name associated with purity and strength.
252. Ode
The name Ode means “a poem,” and it is also used for naming boys.
253. Olive
The name Olive is associated with the Olive tree. The olive branch is a symbol of peace and wealth.
254. Opera
Opera is a form of musical presentation usually in a grand theater. It is also a popular feminine name.
255. Panni
It is a variant of the name Anna, which comes from Hebrew and means “favor” or “grace.”
256. Patience
It was a popular name during medieval times. Patience means “calmness, endurance, and forbearance.”
257. Peace
The name peace means “tranquillity.” It is a unisex name, which is popular in many parts of North America.
258. Peach
It comes from the name of the Peach fruit and has its origin in English, German, and French. The name denotes a person who is sweet and adorable.
259. Pearl
It comes from the name of the precious jewel. The name denotes modesty and innocence.
260. Penny
Penny is the short form of Penelope, which means “weaver,” and has a Greek origin.
261. Pepper
The name Pepper means a “spicy berry.” It is a quirky and cute name for your little girl.
262. Petal
Petal refers to the individual components of a flower. The name denotes the softness and delicateness of a flower petal.
263. Phoenix
The name Phoenix means “dark red.” It symbolizes immortality and rebirth.
264. Pixie
Pixie is another word for fairy. It is also associated with being free-spirited, cheerful, and mischievous.
265. Poppy
The name poppy refers to the red flower of the poppy plant. It is a common first and middle name.
266. Promise
The name promise is an uplifting word, and it means “assurance” or “vow.”
267. Prudence
Prudence was a popular name during medieval times, and it comes from Latin. It means “good judgment, consciousness, and wisdom.”
268. Queen
The name Queen is of English origin and is used to denote an empress or any female sovereign.
269. Quill
It is derived from the name Aquila, which means “eagle” in Latin. The name represents someone who is strong and bold.
270. Rhythm
The name rhythm means “a flow of music,” and it makes for a special name for your daughter.
271. Rose
Rose is a very common name and comes from the name of the rose flower. Rose denotes grace, passion, and love.
272. Rosemary
Image: Shutterstock
It refers to the Rosemary herb, whose name means “dew of the sea” in Latin. The name symbolizes peace and remembrance.
273. Ruby
Ruby is a bright red gemstone. It is considered a birthstone for the month of July and is an ideal name for July babies.
274. Rue
Rue is the name of a herb and its name originates from Greek.
275. Saga
Saga refers to an epic story and the name comes from Old Norse.
276. Sage
It refers to an incredibly wise and sagacious person. It also refers to a herb called Sage, which is from the mint family.
277. Sandy
Sandy is a feminine form of Alexander, which comes from Greek and means “defender.”
278. Savvy
Savvy is the short form of the name Savannah, which refers to an open grassland with a few trees.
279. Scarlet
Scarlet refers to a type of cloth or a brilliant red color. The name symbolizes courage, passion, and joy.
280. Shadow
Shadow refers to the image casted when a body blocks light. The word has its origin in Middle English.
281. Silver
Silver is a precious metal, which symbolizes charm, spirituality, and wealth.
282. Snow
Snow refers to frozen rain and it comes from Old English. It is a perfect name for a winter baby girl.
283. Star
Star refers to the many luminous celestial bodies. It is an ideal name for a baby girl born in Christmas or winter.
284. Storm
The meaning of storm is “tempest,” and it comes from Old English.
285. Sue
It is a contraction of Susan or Susanna, which comes Hebrew and means “Lily.”
286. Sugar
It is a popular American first name and nickname, and symbolizes someone who is sweet.
287. Symphony
Symphony means “a musical piece for an orchestra.” It is a unique feminine name.
288. Tansy
It refers to a flowering plant and its name originates from Late Latin.
289. Tawny
Tawny means “golden brown,” and it comes from Old French.
290. Trace
The unique name has its roots in the Greek word “theros,” which means “summer.” It makes an ideal name for a baby girl born in summer.
291. Treasure
The name treasure is of Latin origin and refers to anything or anyone who is highly valued.
292. Trinity
Trinity refers to the holy trinity of the Christian faith. The Latin meaning of Trinity is “triad.”
293. Tulip
Tulip is yet another flower name, which makes a perfect baby girl name. Tulip symbolizes perfect love.
294. Unique
It comes from Latin and means “the only one.” Your baby is special to you, making this name apt for her.
295. Valley
The name Valley means “between the mountains.” It comes from Old French and Latin.
296. Velvet
Velvet is a soft fabric and also refers to the bluish-purple color. The name velvet denotes luxury.
297. Violet
Violet is a popular American name. It is a royal color and symbolizes sovereignty.
298. Virtue
Virtue is a feminine name with a Latin origin, meaning “strength.” It is associated with uprightness, excellence, and bravery.
299. Whimsy
The meaning of whimsy is fancy, playful, and extravagant. It makes for an adorable and quirky name for your little one.
300. Wonder
The name wonder means “surprising” or “amazing.” It has an Old English origin and is quite a unique name for your baby girl.
Discover More Names
When you have to choose a name for your baby, a few hundreds of names may not be just enough. Keep digging our mine of baby names until you find that one precious gem.
Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the benefits of giving a child a word name?
Even if a particular word is common, using it as a name can make your child stand out. Also, the name can be easy to remember for anyone. Some parents could choose a word name because they associate the word with some pleasant memory. For instance, if the mother’s favorite brand is Chanel, she could name her daughter after it because it makes her happy and excited.
2. Are there any potential drawbacks to giving a child a word name?
Some words or names could have alternate meanings, prompting insensitive individuals to pass snide remarks. For instance, the name Amazon is beautiful for a girl, but it is also the name of an e-commerce company, which could be used to tease a child.
3. What is the history behind the popularity of word names?
Like any other name, there is no way to know the origin of word names or how they caught up with people. However, in prehistoric times, the names of people were descriptive. So perhaps word names also originated from the same thought. For instance, if a mother found her daughter sweet, she must have named her ‘Sugar,’ hoping everyone found her child endearing.
4. What distinguishes a name that is a word from a name that is not?
A word name stands out because of its easy recall value and, in most cases, simple pronunciation. Names, such as June, Blue, and Day are easy to remember and pronounce.
5. Can a word name influence how a person is perceived?
No. People with the sweetest of names could be harboring harmful intentions, while people with tough names could be completely mellow personalities. A person can only be judged by their words and actions and nothing else.
You would always want to give your child a unique name so that they stand out from the crowd. These word names inspired by various things might not be seen in use commonly but have been around for quite some time. Names including Lily, Patience, Velvet, or Sugar might not be as commonly used as names as they are in the form of words. So choose a unique word name for your baby that reflects your feelings and their personality.
Infographic: Word Names For Boys And Girls
There is an ocean of words out there with beautiful meanings, which can make the perfect name for your little one. These may be the ones we use often or those we are not familiar with. So, if you want to give a name from the dictionary that has meaningful significance, dive in. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
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