Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a vinegar produced through the fermentation of apple juice.Research suggests it has several medicinal and therapeutic properties that could benefit health over time (1). But though it is generally safe for adults, is apple cider vinegar for kids a safe choice? Understanding this in detail is essential to avert its side effects that may affect children.
Generally, ACV is available in two forms – unfiltered and filtered. Unfiltered ACV contains the bacterial culture called the “mother,” which is known to have probioticiLive bacteria and yeasts that help maintain the digestive system effects. However, it can have some ill effects on sensitive children. Thus, it must be administered with thorough pediatric guidance only.
Read on as we tell you more about the safety of ACV for children, its possible benefits, side effects, and the proper ways to add apple cider vinegar to your child’s diet.
Can Children Consume Apple Cider Vinegar?
Children can consume one to two teaspoons (5-10ml) of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water before meals, or served during meals with a food item, like a salad (2). However, check the suitability of the vinegar first. ACV with “mother” contains Acetobacter aceti bacteria, which is known to have probiotic effects (3). But these bacteria may cause allergic reactions in some individuals (4).
If you are concerned about how the child would respond to unfiltered apple cider vinegar, then pick filtered and pasteurized vinegar, which contains little bacteria. If your child has any gastrointestinaliRelated to the stomach and the intestines issues, diabetes, allergies, dental problems, or is on any medication, then consult a doctor before introducing ACV (1) (5).
Dr. Jorge Sanchez, board-certified physician from Seattle, Washington, suggests, “When considering using apple cider vinegar for children, it’s recommended to wait until they reach the age of 12. The acidity can be harsh on younger digestive systems. In the case of apple cider, the alcohol content is typically minimal, ranging from 0.1% to 0.5%. Although generally safe for children, choosing non-alcoholic varieties ensures a wholesome choice.”
Possible Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Children
ACV contains probiotics, minerals, vitamins, and a wide array of bioactive compoundiA chemical compound present in food that impacts living organisms, tissue, or cell , such as organic acids and polyphenols (6), which may provide some health benefits in the long run.
- May support digestive health: Anecdotal evidence suggests using diluted apple cider vinegar with meals might promote healthy digestion, support detoxification, and relieve bloating (7). However, the clinical evidence to validate the use of ACV for improving digestion is sparse.
- May work as probiotic: Unfiltered ACV contains probiotic bacteria good for the gastrointestinal system. It is also believed that apple cider vinegar can improve the absorption of minerals in the gut (1). Nonetheless, more research is needed to conclude these claims.
- May relieve acid reflux: Diluted cider vinegar to treat and manage acid reflux is a common home remedy (8) (9). Some individuals may find the home remedy effective in relieving their symptoms. However, clinical studies backing this use are sparse.
- Could support immunity: ACV has been used in traditional medicine as a natural remedy to treat microbial infections, reduce the duration of common cold, and improve immunity. It is also known to display antioxidantiMolecules that block free radicals from causing harm to the body effects (10). These benefits are attributed to the presence of probiotic bacteria, acetic acid, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid in apple cider vinegar (6) (11). The presence of vitamins A, C, and B6 and essential minerals provides good nutrition as well, which is vital for a healthy immune system.
- May relieve eczema symptoms: Eczema is an inflammatory condition with dry, scaly, red patches on the body. According to the results of an international epidemiologic study by multiple institutions, it was revealed that the prevalence of eczema among the pediatric population in the US is around 15.1%. Regular bathing with bathwater containing a small amount of ACV may help prevent skin infections and provide relief from eczema (12) (13). However, more research is needed to support this theory.
- May fight scalp problems: ACV has been a part of the hair care regimen to cure dandruff in traditional medicine. The use of ACV is also believed to fight fungal infections (14). Mixing it with an equal quantity of water and spraying it onto the scalp can remove dandruff. However, more research is needed to prove these effects.
Image: Shutterstock
- May help maintain the skin’s pH: The topical application of ACV may help restore the skin’s pH leveli‘potential of hydrogen,' which is a scale measuring the acidity or basicity of a liquid solution to a healthy range (13). However, further studies are required to examine this effect.
- Could support weight loss: Regular consumption of cider vinegar with a balanced diet and active lifestyle may help in weight loss among obese individuals. Studies note that ACV may help suppress body fat accumulation to achieve weight loss (15) (16). However, ACV is not a replacement for conventional weight loss measures, such as exercise and a healthy diet.
- Could benefit overall health: Regular use of apple cider vinegar is noted to benefit those with conditions such as type-2 diabetes and hypertension (high blood pressure) in the long run (17) (18) (19). However, to attain these benefits and ensure overall wellness, apple cider vinegar should be consumed as part of a well-balanced diet.
Apple cider vinegar could provide some benefits that can promote overall health. Yet, encourage your child to eat a whole apple to achieve a broader spectrum of health benefits.
Possible Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar
Allergic reactions and drug interactions are potential side effects of ACV. Some of the other likely side effects of oral and topical use of apple cider vinegar are the following.
- Increased acid reflux: Excess consumption of apple cider vinegar can increase acid reflux causing gastrointestinal issues, like upset stomach (15).
- Mouth and throat burn: Drinking undiluted cider vinegar can burn the mouth and throat, leading to sores.
- Skin burns: Applying undiluted cider vinegar to treat any skin condition, like mole, acne, or skin infection, can cause skin burns (20).
- Tooth decay: Although mildly acidic, undiluted ACV can dilute the tooth enamel and damage the teeth due to erosion (2).
Image: IStock
- Low potassium levels: Consuming excess apple cider vinegar (more than two tablespoons a day) may increase the risk of lowered potassium levels in the body (21). It is uncommon in children and teens, but you must still exercise caution.
Tips For Using Apple Cider Vinegar For Children
These tips could help in the safe use of ACV among children and teens.
- Prefer organic, filtered, and pasteurizediHeating or sterilizing food until it is devoid of harmful bacteria and safe to consume apple cider vinegar from a trusted brand.
- If you wish to serve unfiltered apple cider vinegar, then first serve half a teaspoon along with meals. If it suits the child, then you can increase the quantity to one to two teaspoons.
- Whether for oral or topical application, use apple cider vinegar in the diluted form, as its high acidity might harm the tooth enamel.
- Rinse mouth with plain water even after consuming diluted apple cider vinegar.
- Allergic reactions to ACV may be rare but possible. Stay alert to any signs or symptoms of ACV allergy, sensitivity, or intolerance.
How to Add Apple Cider Vinegar In Your Child’s Diet?
Below are some handy tips for using ACV to prepare healthy recipes for your children and teens.
- You can add tart-tangy flavor to soups by adding apple cider vinegar.
- Make tangy-tasting salads by using apple cider vinegar in salad dressings.
- Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to refreshing lemonade or vegetable juice.
- You can also use cider vinegar to marinate chicken and meat or veggie kebabs while cooking.
- Use ACV as an alternative to white vinegar for preparing sauces or as a flavor in the meals of your kid.
Apple Cider Vinegar Recipes For Children
Try these tasty and healthy apple cider vinegar recipes for your children and teens.
1. ACV and cranberry mocktail
You will need:
- 1 cup cranberry juice
- ½ cup water
- 2tsps organic apple cider vinegar
- 2tsps maple syrup or raw honey
How to:
- Mix all the ingredients in a pitcher, add some crushed ice, and refrigerate for 15 minutes.
- Serve chilled with nachos or rye crackers.
2. Cider vinegar salad dressing
You will need:
- ½ cup shallot (peeled, cored and quartered)
- ⅓ cup extra-virgin olive oil
- ¼ cup organic apple cider vinegar
- 2tsps Dijon mustard sauce
- 2tsps Manuka honey
- Black pepper powder, to taste
- Salt, to taste
How to:
- Blend shallot, vinegar, mustard sauce, honey, oil, salt, and pepper into a smooth paste, using a food processor or blender. Ensure no lumps are left.
- Use the dressing on a salad. If there is any leftover, store in an airtight glass jar in the refrigerator for up to a week.
3. Ginger and ACV switchel
You will need:
- 2tsps organic apple cider vinegar
- 4tsps honey
- ¼ tsp ground or grated ginger
- 1 cup water
How to:
- Mix all the ingredients in a pitcher and refrigerate for two hours or up to a day.
- Strain the mix through a fine sieve and store in a bottle.
- Serve a glass with a grilled sandwich or taco.
4. Apple cider vinegar gummies
Image: Shutterstock
You will need:
- 1/4 cup water
- 3tbsps grass-fed gelatin powder
- 2tbsps lemon juice
- 3tbsps raw honey
- 1/2 cup raw apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup water (or apple juice for sweeter gummies)
How to:
- In a small bowl, mix 1/4 cup water with 3 tablespoons of grass-fed gelatin powder. Allow the gelatin to expand.
- Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of raw honey to the gelatin mixture. Stir well to combine.
- In a saucepan, heat 1/2 cup of raw apple cider vinegar and the remaining 1/2 cup of water (or apple juice) over low heat. Warm the mixture, but be careful not to let it boil.
- Once the mixture is hot, remove it from the heat and combine it with the gelatin mixture. Stir until the gelatin dissolves completely.
- Pour the gummy mixture into the molds of your choice. You can use fun shapes that kids enjoy.
- Place the molds in the refrigerator and let the gummies set for 35-40 minutes or until firm.
- Once set, remove the gummies from the molds and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
- Serve these delicious apple cider vinegar gummies to your kids as a tasty and healthful treat.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can kids eat apple cider vinegar gummies?
Apple cider vinegar gummies meant for kids are available in the market. However, it is best to check with a pediatrician before giving them to children.
2. Does apple cider help kids poop?
Warm apple cider vinegar may increase bowel movement, but sufficient scientific evidence is not available to prove its efficacy in children. Self-treatment with apple cider is not recommended if there are existing stomach issues (7) (22).
3. How much apple cider vinegar is safe for kids?
Children should not be given more than two teaspoons (10ml) of apple cider vinegar daily. You should ensure to give it in diluted form (2).
4. Is apple cider vinegar helpful for children with allergies?
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) may help reduce the severity of allergy symptoms in some individuals, including children. Oral consumption of ACV may help reduce respiratory allergy symptoms such as a runny nose and chronic sinusitis. It may also work with skin allergies, such as eczema, when added to bathwater, reducing the risk of ancillary skin infections as well (24) (25). Do consult a pediatrician if you wish to use ACV to manage your child’s allergies, especially chronic ones.
Apple cider vinegar for kids is beneficial in multiple ways. You can introduce it by mixing some in soups, salads, and refreshing drinks. You can experiment the same with more recipes and dishes once your child gets adjusted to the taste. However, make sure that it should be given in moderation and as part of a healthy and balanced diet. It can be a great source of nourishment for your child or teen in the long run. You may even consult the doctor if you have any doubts about its suitability for your little one. Lastly, do not force your child to consume ACV if they do not want it.
Infographic: Apple Cider Vinegar For Children
Apple cider vinegar can add a zing to any plain food. But besides being loaded with tons of nutrients that support a healthy body, an excessive amount may cause certain side effects. So how can you feed it to your child without worrying about the negatives? This infographic will provide tips for the healthy addition of ACD to your child’s diet. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- Children can be regularly given filtered, pasteurized, or organic apple cider vinegar before or during meals after checking for allergic reactions and consulting with a doctor.
- Apple cider vinegar can be diluted and added to juices, salads, soups, marinades, and sauces.
- The nutritional properties of apple cider vinegar may help improve digestion, absorption of minerals, and immunity, aid in weight loss, and balance children’s blood pressure and sugar levels.
- Bathing with small quantities of ACV (in water) may help relieve eczema, fight dandruff, and maintain skin pH.
- Nevertheless, excessive consumption or improper use of ACV may lead to acid reflux, throat and skin burns, allergic and drug reactions, low potassium levels, and tooth decay in children.
Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
1. Beyond the Hype: Apple Cider Vinegar as an Alternative Therapy; University of Washington
2. Apple cider vinegar diet: Does it really work?; Harvard Health Publishing
3. Babak Haghshenas et al., Potentially probiotic acetic acid bacteria isolation and identification from traditional dairies microbiota; Institute of Food Science & Technology
4. V. Nanagas et al.; P285 Anaphylactoid reaction to mother of vinegar; Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology
5. Allergy information for: Apple (Malus domestica); The University of Manchester
6. Smriti Tripathi and Papiya Mitra Mazumder; Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and their Pharmacological Approach towards Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): A Review; Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
7. Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestion. What’s the Deal?; Canadian Digestive Health Foundation
8. Home Remedies For Heartburn (And When You Need A Doctor); Franciscan Health
9. Apple cider vinegar… for heartburn?; Harvard Health Publishing
10. Darshna Yagnik et al.; Antimicrobial activity of apple cider vinegar against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans; downregulating cytokine and microbial protein expression; NCBI
11. Apple cider vinegar can help clear bacteria and yeast infections; a natural cure; Atlas of Science
12. Soothing Your Child’s Eczema; Sutter Health
13. Get the Facts: Apple Cider Vinegar; National Eczema Association
14. Ana Carolina Loureiro Gama Mota et al., Antifungal Activity of Apple Cider Vinegar on Candida Species Involved in Denture Stomatitis NCBI
15. Debunking the health benefits of apple cider vinegar; The University of Chicago Medical Center
16. Tomoo Kondo et al.; Vinegar intake reduces body weight, body fat mass, and serum triglyceride levels in obese Japanese subjects; NCBI
17. Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help Your Health?; UW Health
18. Akanksha Singh and Sunita Mishra; Study About The Nutritional And Medicinal Properties Of Apple Cider Vinegar; Researchgate
19. Apple Cider Vinegar; Nutrition Facts
20. Stephanie Feldstein et al.; Chemical Bum from Vinegar Following an Internet-based Protocol for Self-removal of Nevi; NCBI
21. What you need to know about apple cider vinegar; Gundersen Health System
22. Nutrition Problems and Their Solutions
23. Beatrice K. Gandara and Edmond L. Truelove; Diagnosis and Management of Dental Erosion; The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
23. Beatrice K. Gandara and Edmond L. Truelove; Diagnosis and Management of Dental Erosion; The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice
24. Soothing Your Child’s Eczema; Sutter Health
25. What Does Apple Cider Vinegar Not Do?; Pacific College Of Health And Sciences
Read full bio of Seeemaa Budhraja
- Dr. Jorge Sanchez is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician and the founder of Alertive Healthcare (formerly Sentinel). He studied medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and did a residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.Dr. Jorge Sanchez is a board-certified Internal Medicine physician and the founder of Alertive Healthcare (formerly Sentinel). He studied medicine at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and did a residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine.
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