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The debate about dating vs. relationship is forever ongoing. It might happen that you are going out with someone for quite some time, but you are unsure whether you are still dating or you are in a committed relationship. The thin line between the two can sometimes get blurred, and it might not be easy to differentiate. If you are in such a dilemma, this post is for you. Read on to know the difference between dating and relationship and a few signs that might help you understand the same.
What Is Dating & Relationship?
Dating Vs. Relationship: How Are They Different?
Dating is when two individuals are interested in getting to know each other but have no serious attachment or commitment to the other person. They choose to refrain from planning about the future and agree that the relationship will continue in a casual manner. It could be exclusive or non-exclusive, but they haven’t entered a committed stage yet. The relationship is light and informal, with no strings attached.
Then comes the in-between dating and relationship phase, wherein you start to admire each other and you’re putting in the time, energy, and effort to get to know each other on a deeper level. It’s not a one-sided relationship, but you both are mutually willing to work towards a future to see if you’re truly compatible.
Committed Relationship
A committed relationship is characterized by an exclusive or monogamous sentiment, and the partners involved are open to talking about long-term goals and struggles within the relationship. They are serious about the partnership and willing and prepared to put in the effort to work on themselves and the connection between them.
A major identifier here is the shift towards long-term and bigger goals in life, such as family, career goals, living arrangements, and finances. In other words, you enter into a true alliance.
How To Know If You’re In The Dating Phase Or An Established Relationship
In order to determine if you two are in the dating phase or an established relationship, consider the following indicators and signs.
1. The level of commitment
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Commitment is the key to any relationship. It can be established by strengthening the intimacy in the relationship during a relatively long period of time. Couples in committed relationships commit to staying together with loyalty and fidelity and look forward to a future together filled with ardor and devotion.
In the exclusive dating phase, your relationship is monogamous, but you can walk away anytime you like. In a committed relationship, partners stick by each other through thick and thin.
2. The level of communication
The level of communication can vary a great deal in exclusive dating and a relationship.
In a committed relationship, there is a true partnership. You are comfortable discussing any difficult topic to its every minute detail, whether it is your personal finances or family issues. Essentially, you speak your mind and don’t mince your words. And your partner is someone you can literally tell everything to and the first person who comes to mind when something good or bad happens.
In dating, on the other hand, communication usually is limited and basic in nature. The conversations you have may not be very deep and may not touch your soul. In this phase, it’s natural to discuss your next meal or simply indulge in casual banter.
3. The level of expectation
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The expectations vary in the dating phase and a committed relationship. Even though you’re seriously dating someone, you don’t have too many expectations, such as a marriage and kids.
In a serious relationship, on the contrary, expectations run high. You expect everything, from patience to a future of togetherness. You see your bond as permanent and imagine your future with this person by your side. You also envision your wedding. Whether you talk about daily activities or goals in life, you picture a future together and make long-term plans.
4. A change in priorities
No doubt, exclusive dating is meaningful, but if you’re given a chance to have a fun night out with your mates, you’ll take it. Sometimes your partner takes a back seat and other priorities, such as friends and fun activities, come first.
In a relationship, your partner comes first and takes prime importance in your life. They’re your go-to person when you make plans, and you check to see whether they’re free before you commit to other plans. Your better half is the first one you call when you want to watch a movie or want them to be your plus-one for an office party.
Similarly, instead of planning weekend getaways with friends or splurging on the latest fashion items and other not-so-important things, you invest most of your time and energy in your relationship and your future. Your focus is on building a better life for both you and the love of your life.
5. The level of acceptance
When you’re exclusively dating, you take the time and effort to present yourself in the best possible light in front of your partner. It’s but natural that you want this person to like you, and so, you try to put your best foot forward and minimize your quirks. You strive at showing them the best version of you–inside and out.
However, with time, whether you like it or not, these masks slowly start to fade. Eventually, you’re more relaxed, and you don’t see the need to hide your true colors, good or bad. Not just you, the same happens the other way around, too. You realize that, in a relationship, you don’t have to approve of each other’s personality. The pair show their real side because they are confident that the other person will still hang around and won’t leave them longing and yearning for their partner. And most importantly, you stand by each other, through your best times and your worst times.
6. The level of trust
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Trust is built over time. It isn’t easy to instantly trust someone who walks into your life. Exclusive dating is one thing, but trusting them is another.
This significantly changes in a serious relationship. Trust doesn’t necessarily mean believing every single word that comes out of their mouth. It’s about having the confidence that your better half always stands by what they speak, and you can rely on their decisions, judgments, and opinions.
7. The level of realness
While exclusive dating can be fun and exciting, there is an air of comfort, peace, and familiarity in a serious relationship. It has advantages, but the level of realness is much higher in an established relationship.
The need to visit fancy restaurants or throw extravagant parties is a part of the dating phase. This is because there is still an element of intrigue between the two of you. It’s great because you get to know each other, but you’ll have to eventually leave that behind and move to something more real. In a committed relationship, it’s all about being yourself. Whether it’s sitting on the couch in front of the TV or working for half the day and completing the house chores the next, your better half is a part of the less glamorous aspects of your life.
Stages Of Dating
The stages of dating may differ from person to person; however, on a general note, there are usually five different stages.
- The awkward stage: This initial phase involves overcoming nervousness and uncertainty, often marked by overthinking and worrying about the other person’s feelings.
- The attraction stage: Also known as the honeymoon phase, this period is filled with excitement, sexual arousal, and a deep fascination with the partner.
- The uncertainty stage: This stage involves contemplating long-term exclusivity and facing doubts about the relationship’s future.
- The intimacy stage: Focused on vulnerability, this stage goes beyond physical intimacy to include emotional openness. It’s about getting to know your partner’s true self and insecurities and building a deep bond and trust.
- The partnership stage: This final stage is about solidifying the relationship, which could mean moving in together, getting engaged, or deciding on long-term exclusivity. It’s characterized by unity, where partners feel like best friends and lovers, forming one cohesive unit.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long should you date before being in a relationship?
There are no rules to deciding the optimum duration of dating before you get into a serious relationship. It depends on your dating experiences and the intensity of your feelings for each other. However, about three months is considered an average before deciding to commit.
2. How often should you see someone you’re dating?
Given that your geographical location permits frequent meetings, you can try to meet each other once a week when you start dating. You can gradually increase the frequency to two to four times a week, depending on how things are going and whether or not your schedule permits that.
3. Can you be dating but not in a relationship?
Yes. Dating without being committed to a relationship can happen. How long a person dates, someone may vary from person to person. Fear of commitment can be why a person would choose exclusive dating over a relationship.
4. What do you call someone you’re dating but not in a relationship with?
There is no well-defined term to address the person you are dating. However, you can choose a term depending on what you would like to call and what the other person enjoys being called. Generally, people use “crush,” “my date,” “date-mate,” or “bae,” etc., to refer to the person whom they are dating.
Choose Your Side Of The Fence
Image: IStock
One might use the terms dating and relationship interchangeably. However, both terms are different and there is a significant difference between dating and relationships. The level of acceptance, trust, communication, and commitment to your partner varies in dating and a serious relationship. Initially, all relationships start with the dating phase. However, you may eventually get into a serious relationship with your partner. As the relationship progresses, you can determine if you’re dating or committed to your partner. And with the above indicators, we hope you can easily find out the state of your relationship.
Infographic: Interrelation Between Dating And Relationship
Dating is the period of courtship where a couple gets to know each other before committing to a relationship. Check out the infographic below to know the correlation between dating and relationship. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- There is a thin line between dating and relationships that might give rise to confusion in some cases.
- Dating entails no serious commitment between two people, unlike in a relationship.
- The communication, expectation, and commitments levels can help you differentiate between the two.
Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Navigating the world of romance? Our video explores the top 10 differences between dating and relationships, shedding light on the crucial distinctions that can help you understand where you stand in your love life.
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