Image: ShutterStock
A baby shower ceremony allows your family to get together once again and have a good time with all the smiles and laughs. Baby shower diaper games are all you need to bond with your family members before the baby’s arrival. Along with the excitement of chilling with your close ones, during the ceremony, the mom-to-be will be gifted useful baby care products such as nipples, baby bathtubs, or booties, that she can use after delivery. These games are enjoyable for all age groups and help you have loads of fun. You and your dear ones will have a hard time controlling their laughter, and you can cherish these moments in the future. These games will also help your family members to break the ice and create a lasting bond with each other. So, plunge into this post for some fun and engaging games.
Baby Shower Diaper Games
Whether you are the mom-to-be and have arranged a baby shower to celebrate good times with your friends and family before being caught up with motherhood, or you are a close friend of the mom-to-be and want her to enjoy an afternoon away from all duties and just relax, these diaper games for baby showers can make the party amazing and memorable.
Danielle, a mother of four, recounts her experience of organizing a diaper game called the ‘Late Night Diapers’ for her baby shower. She says, “One of the activities we had set up at the baby shower was Late Night Diapers/ Words for the wee hours. This is a fun activity for everyone. Basically, the guests write funny sayings on the diapers with sharpies. When the parents are changing their new bundle of joy, they read the diapers to help make diaper changing more fun. We really enjoyed the late-night diapers as they got us through several late nights. Several of the diapers were funny while others were very sweet (i).”
Here are some more baby shower diaper games that you can try out.
1. Dirty diaper door prize
If a lot of people are going to attend your baby shower, you should include this game. It is a great icebreaker, and all the people at your party will mingle with each other in no time.
You will need
- Diapers – either disposable or reusable ones
- Mustard sauce
How to play
- Squirt mustard sauce into a diaper, tape it, and mix it up with other diapers.
- Give every guest a diaper when they walk in.
- Once everyone has arrived and is seated, ask everyone to introduce themselves and tell a joke.
- After the introductions are done, everyone must open the diapers.
- The person with the “dirty” diaper is the winner.
2. The diaper pin game
All it needs is a slip of the tongue for you to have fun in this baby shower diaper game. In no time, your guests’ friendly banter will turn into a hilarious play of words.
You will need
- Baby safety pins
How to play
- Hand over five or more baby safety pins to each guest when they walk in.
- Ask them to pin them up to a piece of clothing on them.
- The rule is no one should say the word “diaper” or “baby” throughout the baby shower.
- If they do, and another guest catches them at it, they have to remove one pin and give it to that person.
- Make sure you have plenty of pins to go around.
- If you have run out of pins, ask interesting questions, and trick someone into using the word in their answer.
- The person with the maximum number of pins at the end is the winner. You can also give them a prize.
3. Speed diapering game
If men and women are attending your baby shower, this game is the best way to break the ice. Bring on the laughter with the speed diapering game. This diaper game can be played at ladies-only baby showers too.
You will need:
- Infant-sized doll
- Diapers
- Cloth for blindfolding
How to play:
- Blindfold a guest and ask them to diaper a doll.
- You can also make teams, blindfold all the players in a team, and ask them to do the task.
- The team or guest that properly diapers the “baby” in the least time wins a prize.
4. Setting up changing tables
How fast do you think you can set up a changing table? Test the speed of your guests with this extremely entertaining diaper game for baby showers. You may try something similar to a crib too.
You will need
- At least two card tables (more, depending on the number of guests)
- Infant-sized doll wearing a diaper and onesie
- A package of wipes
- A set of diapers
- Timer
How to play
To play as individual contestants
- Each player starts when the timer starts.
- They should change the baby doll, including putting on a clean diaper and a new onesie.
- Track each player’s time to see how fast they complete the whole procedure.
- The player who changes the “baby” in the least time is the winner.
To play as a team
- The first player from each team should completely change the baby, including removing the onesie and the diaper, wiping the baby with a wipe, and putting on a new diaper and onesie.
- Once they are done, the next player repeats the same procedure.
- The team that finishes first is the winner.
5. Diaper bag psychic
You get to see which of your guests are psychic with this fun game. It injects a tone of hilarity in the proceedings and is one of the popular baby shower diaper games.
You will need:
- A diaper bag
- Baby care items and baby clothes and toys
- A pen and a sheet of paper for every guest
How to play:
- Fill the diaper bag with baby care items, clothes, and toys.
- Make a list of all the contents of the bag.
- Pass the bag to each guest.
- Everyone gets a chance to shake or feel the bag. But they are not allowed to look inside.
- They should write down what they think is in the bag.
- Once everyone is done, read out your list.
- For every matching item on your list and your guests’ list, they get a point.
- The guest who gets the maximum points is the winner.
6. The Price Is Right
If you have seen the popular game show on TV, you will know how this diaper game is played. It tests the analytical skills of your guests and guarantees laughter.
You will need
- A package of diapers
- A package of wipes
- Diaper cream
- Diaper bag
- Any other baby care items you might think is necessary for the mom-to-be
- Envelopes according to the number of items you have included
- Sheets of paper and pens for the guests
How to play:
- Label each envelope with the name of a baby care item.
- Write the price of each item on a piece of paper and put it in the corresponding envelope.
- Place each envelope with the item.
- Distribute a pen and a sheet of paper to every guest.
- Ask them to write down the price of each item according to what they think.
- Open the envelopes and reveal the correct price of each item.
- Every player who has guessed the price closest to the actual price gets one point.
- If a player guesses the exact price of an item, they get two points.
- The guest who gets the maximum points wins.
- In case there is a tie, you can ask them to guess the price of a random item. The player who makes the closest guess is the winner.
7. Name the dirty poopy diaper game
Before you start making faces, let us tell you that this game is not dirty. Instead, it is one of the most hilarious diaper games for baby showers and is played at almost all baby showers.
You will need
- 10 disposable diapers
- 10 jars of baby food
- Marker
- Disposable spoons
- Paper and pens
How to play
- Use the marker to number each diaper from 1 to 10.
- Put some baby food in each diaper to create the “poop” Each diaper must contain a different baby food.
- Write down which diaper contains which baby food for your reference.
- Hand over a pen and a sheet of paper to each guest.
- Pass each diaper to every guest.
- They can see, smell, or even taste the contents of the diaper to determine what it contains.
- Ask them to write down what they think is in their sheets according to the number of the diaper.
- The guest who makes the maximum correct guesses wins.
8. Mystery diaper
This game is similar to the “name the dirty poopy diaper game,” and is specially designed for those with a higher sense of perception. However, the fun is the same as the last one.
You will need:
- 10 disposable diapers
- 10 small baby care items
- Marker
- Sheets of paper and pens
How to play:
- Mark the diapers from 1 to 10.
- Keep each item inside a diaper. Use small items that will easily fit inside a diaper, such as a pacifier, bonnet, bib, a feeding spoon, and a small tube of diaper cream.
- Make a list of these items along with their diaper numbers.
- Pass the diapers among your guests, and ask them to feel the diapers to guess what is inside.
- They should make their own lists.
- Once everyone is done, compare your lists.
- The guest who has guessed the maximum number of items correctly is the winner.
9. Diaper change relay race
This is a hilarious diaper game for baby showers if most of your guests don’t have kids. You will be surprised to see how many people do not know how to correctly put on a diaper.
You will need:
- An infant-sized doll
- Diapers (cloth or disposable ones)
- Diaper pins (in case of cloth diapers)
- Diaper cream
- Baby powder
- At least two changing tables or any other firm surface, such as a chair
How to play:
- Divide your guests into teams.
- Make them stand at a distance from the changing table.
- When you say go, a player from each team runs forward, picks the “baby,” removes the first diaper, applies cream and powder, and puts on a new diaper as fast as they can.
- Once done, they run back to their original place, and the next player repeats the same process.
- The new diaper has to be properly put on. If it falls off while a player is returning, they have to repeat the process.
- The team that finishes first is the winner. If you don’t have enough changing tables, you can make each team go in turn and time the event.
10. What’s in a diaper?
All parents have some baby item basics, whatever the current trends. Pacifiers, baby bottles, baby blankets, and rattles are some examples of these. If your baby shower guests are mostly parents, they are already veterans in using these items. Use their experience for some laughs.
You will need
- Disposable diapers
- Small baby items that produce different sounds and have different textures
- Sheets of paper and pens for your guests
How to play
- Number the diapers.
- Put small items in the diapers, seal them, and keep them on a table.
- Distribute pens and sheets of paper among your guests.
- Ask them to guess what is in those diapers and write them down.
- In the end, open the diapers and reveal the contents.
- The guest who has made the maximum number of correct guesses is the winner.
- You can also add something not related to babies and get a good laugh.
11. Diaper surprise
This is an evergreen diaper game for baby showers. It is played at almost all baby showers and results in endless fun every time.
You will need
- Felt
- Scissors
- Safety pins
- Marker
How to play
- Stain one piece of felt with mustard sauce, fold it, and pin it.
- Fold the other pieces similarly and pin them up.
- When the guests walk in, hand them each a piece of felt which they should wear like a corsage.
- At the end of the party, open their felt pieces.
- The guest who has the stained piece of felt wins a prize.
12. Diaper raffle
Diapers are one of the most expensive baby care items you will use once the baby arrives. But you can use the baby shower to minimize the cost by arranging a diaper raffle contest. The more diapers a person brings, the more raffle tickets they get.
You will need
- A good raffle prize, such as a bottle of wine or a set of scented candles
- A place to collect and count the diapers given by the guests
- Paper for raffle entries
- A hat or jar for drawing names
How to play
- You can write the raffle rules on your invitation.
- Place pieces of paper and pens by the raffle gift.
- When the guests arrive, ask them to fill out their names on the slips for each diaper (or a set of diapers).
- At the end of the party, pull out names from the hat or jar and announce the winner’s name.
- Keep in mind to tell your guests to bring diapers in bigger sizes because babies grow quickly in the early months.
13. Pass the poopy diaper
If you and your guests are music lovers, you all will definitely enjoy this diaper game for baby showers. It is a variation of “Pass the Parcel” and is very entertaining.
You will need
- One diaper
- A device for playing music
How to play
- Ask all the guests to sit in a circle.
- Start the music and start passing the diaper from one player to another.
- When the music stops, the player holding the diaper is out.
- In the end, the player whose hands are free is the winner.
- You can even put something inside the diaper, and the winner gets it.
14. Candy Bar Guessing Game
This game is just like the “dirty poopy diaper game,” only with candy in it. Get ready for lots of fun and laughter with this game.
You will need
- 10–12 diapers
- Marker
- Sheets of paper and pens for guests
- Different types of candy — Snickers, Milky Way, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, etc.
How to play
- Number each diaper using the marker.
- Pair each candy with a diaper and note down on a sheet of paper about the pairs.
- Just before starting the game, heat the candies for a few moments in the microwave and spread them in the corresponding diapers.
- Do not close the diapers immediately, or the candy might harden and stick to the diaper.
- Hand over a pen and a sheet of paper to each guest.
- Display the names of the candies used without the number of the diaper.
- The guests are allowed to smell and look at the contents of each diaper but not touch or taste.
- Ask them to write down their guesses.
- Compare the lists.
- The guest who gets the most correct answers is the winner.
15. Baby races
Get ready to run if you include this diaper game at baby showers. This game pumps up the adrenalin and gets everyone laughing and running within moments.
You will need
- Baby strollers
- Toy dolls
- Obstacles (optional)
How to play
- Divide your guests into relay teams.
- Give each team a stroller and a doll.
- The first person should strap the doll to the stroller and get to the designated place where the next player is waiting.
- When they reach there, they should take out the doll and hand it over to the next player, who should repeat the process.
- If the doll falls off midway, the team is disqualified from the race. Alternatively, you can ask them to start over.
- The team that reaches the finish line first is the winner.
16. Diaper decoration game
Changing diapers is one of the tedious things that become a part of new parents’ lives. But if you are in the mood to get creative with your guests, this game will bring a smile to your face.
You will need
- Disposable diapers
- Markers in different colors to decorate the diaper
How to play
- Purchase at least two packs of disposable diapers.
- Put them on a table
- When guests arrive, ask them to use the markers and decorate the diapers.
- Guests can draw something or leave a funny message or note.
- In the end, put the diapers back into the package and give them to the mom-to-be.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How long do baby shower diaper games typically last?
The game’s duration depends on its difficulty level, the number of players, the preparation required, and the number of rounds. Consider the time available and whether participants can spend too much time per game.
2. Can baby shower diaper games be adapted for virtual baby showers?
Yes, baby diaper games can be adapted virtually. You may use virtual props or resources to play the same games or play the game on a video call. Quiz-based diaper games can be played using several free online resources and game websites.
3. What are some tips for making baby shower diaper games successful?
Select games that are lighthearted and fun and are suitable for the audience attending the baby shower. Avoid games that may be overly competitive or uncomfortable for guests. Include a mix of different diaper games with clear rules and instructions. Keep the games short, interactive, and engaging. Consider the space and logistics before deciding on the game and adapt it according to the baby shower’s theme. Always have a backup plan handy to ensure the smooth flow of the baby shower and keep guests entertained.
A baby shower is a celebration of your baby’s arrival in advance and having fun with friends and family. So, besides choosing an exquisite party theme and elaborate decoration, include interesting baby shower diaper games to add fun and laughter to your special day. These games can also be great icebreakers to make your baby shower enjoyable and memorable. So pick one or more games you like and arrange the items you would need to play them. Encourage your guests to participate, cheer for them, record the event and gift them baby shower favors as memorabilia!
Infographic: Baby Shower Diaper Games
Baby shower diaper games come in a wide range. While some are simple, a few test your skill and gaming abilities. So, if there is a baby shower party on your mind, here is an infographic that suggests a few fun games to keep your guests entertained and keep the party going. Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Key Pointers
- Diaper games such as speed diapering or setting up changing tables can add a lot of fun to your baby shower.
- These games may be played individually or as a team.
- Add more baby items with diapers and test the skills of your guests.
- Scroll down to find baby races, pass the poopy diaper, diaper surprise, and a lot more diaper game ideas.
Personal Experience: Source
MomJunction articles include first-hand experiences to provide you with better insights through real-life narratives. Here are the sources of personal accounts referenced in this article.
i. Late night diaper sayings for your next baby showerhttps://bee-ingmommy.blogspot.com/2018/07/late-night-diaper-sayings.html
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