Image: Shutterstock
Playing games as a family can be very entertaining for kids. “Would you rather” questions for kids is one of the many such entertaining games that can be played during holidays, traveling, or even when you are stuck in traffic! In this game, one of you may ask some tricky questions. They have to decide and select one out of two alternatives in the question depending on their preferences and decisions. Forming interesting questions with very funny answers makes these games very interesting. Read this post to find some funny and interesting “would you rather” questions that will make your children laugh their hearts out and challenge them. Use them at your next game night.
350+ Would-You-Rather Questions For Kids
- Would you rather play video games or go out and play with friends?
- Would you rather eat all junk on one day or one junk food per day?
- Would you rather lie to your best friend or parents?
- Would you rather go to a zoo or an amusement park?
- Would you rather have magical powers or have a genie grant you wishes?
- Would you rather go on a vacation or visit your grandparents during the holidays?
- Would you rather play in the sun or the snow?
- Would you rather run as fast as a cheetah or fly as high as an eagle?
- Would you rather be superman or batman?
- Would you rather play alone or in a group?
- Would you rather invent new junk food or a new toy?
- Would you rather not bath for a week or not brush for a day?
- Would you rather have the strength of hundred elephants or a super-intelligent brain?
- Would you rather live in a house made of candy or live in your favorite toy store?
- Would you rather fly like a bird or walk on your fours like a dog?
- Would you rather have powers to create things or be completely invisible?
- Would you rather have four hands or four eyes?
- Would you rather bath with chocolate milk or jump in a pool of liquid chocolate?
- Would you rather jump like a kangaroo or be lazy like a sloth?
- Would you rather celebrate your birthday every day or once a year?
- Would you rather be Harry Potter or Hermoine Granger?
- Would you rather read a book or play ball outside?
Image: IStock
- Would you rather never have to go to school or never have to write an exam for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have 100 friends or one best friend?
- Would you rather play Jumanji or get lost in space?
- Would you rather sleep for the rest of your life or not sleep at all?
- Would you rather be a kid forever or an adult forever?
- Would you rather own a sports car or a yacht?
- Would you rather have long hair like Rapunzel or a beautiful face like Snow White?
- Would you rather become a fireman or a cop?
- Would you rather have a cat or a dog as a pet?
- Would you rather have the power to heal people or know what they are thinking in their minds?
- Would you rather be the tallest person in the world or the strongest person in the world?
- Would you rather go to the moon or mars?
- Would you rather travel around the world or stay at home and play video games?
- Would you rather turn into your mom or dad for a day?
- Would you rather eat ice cream for the rest of your life or drink chocolate milk for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather live for 100 years without money or 70 years with money?
- Would you rather be Peter Pan or Pinocchio?
- Would you rather wear dirty clothes or not have a bath at all?
- Would you rather become a scientist or the President of the United States of America?
- Would you rather go on a family picnic or a trip to the shopping mall?
- Would you rather have the power to talk to animals or transform into any animal?
- Would you rather live in a castle up the hill or a mansion underwater?
- Would you rather live in a big city or the woods?
- Would you rather share your bed with a lion or a 1000 honeybees?
- Would you rather become a famous singer or a dancer?
- Would you rather turn into a bird or a dog for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather be the only child or have siblings?
- Would you rather live in a forest or a desert for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather own a robot or have magical powers to do chores?
- Would you rather eat broccoli or a whole raw salmon?
- Would you rather learn to play all the musical instruments in the world or learn to talk in all the languages of the world?
- Would you rather stay up late or wake up early in the morning?
- Would you rather eat booger-flavored candy or onion-flavored ice cream?
- Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
- Would you rather have a lion or a dragon as your pet?
- Would you rather be on vacation all by yourself or stay home all by yourself?
- Would you rather be born in the Stone Age or the Modern Age?
- Would you rather live in a cave or on a tree?
- Would you rather be a superhero or a supervillain?
- Would you rather fly high in the sky or dive deep in the ocean?
- Would you rather want the highest marks in every test or not have to write a test again?
- Would you rather be good at sports or studies?
- Would you rather eat a bowl of Brussels sprouts or a bowl of broccoli?
- Would you rather give up eating sweets or drinking soda?
- Would you rather skydive or ride a roller coaster?
- Would you rather play in the snow or get wet in the rain?
- Would you rather eat raw meat or raw fish?
- Would you rather have night vision like an owl or excellent vision like a hawk?
- Would you rather be as fast as a rabbit or slow like a turtle?
- Would you rather live without your friends or your phone for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather live on a deserted island or in a foreign city?
- Would you rather be a pet dog or a wild horse?
- Would you rather be a rich farmer or a CEO of a multinational company?
- Would you rather own a company or work for someone and retire?
- Would you rather have wings or be able to breathe underwater?
- Would you rather be able to control people’s minds or be able to read their minds?
- Would you rather eat a whole jar of Nutella or drink ten soda cans?
- Would you rather live in the 1980s or in the 2050s?
- Would you rather give up sweets or not use your mobile for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather get trapped in an elevator with your teacher or your parents?
- Would you rather get lost in a toy store or an amusement park?
- Would you rather do science projects or do homework?
- Would you rather go fishing or go camping in the woods?
- Would you rather have eleven fingers or eleven toes?
- Would you rather eat like a worm or a spider?
- Would you rather give up eating french fries or chocolates for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather learn to fly a plane or a drive a giant truck?
- Would you rather be beautiful or smart?
- Would you rather adopt a puppy or buy a puppy?
Image: IStock
- Would you rather be born as an animal or a human?
- Would you rather visit the Eiffel Tower or the Swiss Alps?
- Would you rather wear a raincoat or hold an umbrella?
- Would you rather feature in X-Men or The Avengers?
- Would you rather be the The Little Mermaid or Sleeping Beauty?
- Would you rather be an elder sibling or a younger sibling?
- Would you rather have the power of shape shifting or walking through walls?
- Would you rather become a baby again or grow up into an adult?
- Would you rather be good at maths or learn two foreign languages?
- Would you rather wear a new dress every day or not have to bath for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather have a great memory power or great strength to lift anything?
- Would you rather be rich or be happy for the rest of your life?
- Would you rather become as small as an ant or as big as an elephant?
- Would you rather have the power of teleportation or not get hurt when you fall down?
- Would you rather eat a pizza without sauce or the sauce without the pizza?
- Would you rather get bitten by a single bee or 20 mosquitoes?
- Would you rather eat pizza or waffles every day for breakfast?
- Would you rather have a vanilla cake or a chocolate cake?
- Would you rather grow up instantly or stay as a child for ten more years?
- Would you rather have a piggy bank that doubles the money in it every day or find $10 under your pillow every day?
- Would you rather have magical hair or a magical voice?
- Would you rather have the power to turn everything you touch into gold or have the power to heal people with your touch?
- Would you rather be a wildlife explorer or a museum curator?
- Would you rather be a babysitter or a dog sitter?
- Would you rather be the best student in studies or the best player in sports?
- Would you rather take the dog for a walk or wash it?
- Would you rather have chocolate-flavored tears or be able to sneeze candies?
- Would you rather spend a night in your favorite fast-food restaurant or your favorite toy store?
- Would you rather build a snowman or start a snowball fight?
- Would you rather run as fast as the Flash or be as strong as the Hulk?
- Would you rather prank your best friend or your sibling?
- Would you rather pick up food that is fallen on the ground or eat without washing your hands?
- Would you rather be a judge or a participant of a reality show?
- Would you rather go back to your past and meet your ancestors or go to the future and meet your great-grandchildren?
- Would you rather go to a movie with friends or your siblings?
- Would you rather spend the night under the stars or in a five-star hotel room?
- Would you rather eat a carton of ice cream or a dozen doughnuts?
- Would you rather watch a movie on the Internet or go to the movie theater?
- Would you rather become an actor or start your own music band?
- Would you rather be able to tell if someone is lying or be able to lie and never get caught?
- Would you rather become a ghost or a vampire?
- Would you rather be Anna or Elsa from the movie Frozen?
- Would you rather befriend a magical creature or an alien?
- Would you rather fly in a helicopter or a hot air balloon?
- Would you rather go on a road trip or stay in a tree house?
- Would you rather play in the snow or sit inside and drink hot chocolate?
- Would you rather have a few good friends or become famous on social media?
- Would you rather get a pet pony or a pet monkey?
- Would you rather sneeze continuously for three hours or get hiccups for half a day?
- Would you rather cuddle with a teddy bear or cuddle with your parents?
- Would you rather share secrets with your friends or siblings?
- Would you rather go to a school or get homeschooled?
- Would you rather read a book or watch television?
- Would you rather get a puppy or a kitten as a birthday gift?
- Would you rather live in a big mansion with servants or a farmhouse with many animals?
- Would you rather grow your vegetables or buy them from the market?
- Would you rather draw someone or get someone to draw you?
- Would you rather be in a cartoon movie or a fairy tale movie?
- Would you rather meet your favorite movie star or your favorite uncle?
- Would you rather share your bedroom with your sibling or want the room all for yourself?
- Would you rather lend your things to your friends or hide them?
- Would you rather be left alone in a dark room or on the top of a giant wheel?
- Would you rather meet the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause?
- Would you rather become a police officer or a doctor?
- Would you rather become a unicorn or have a pet unicorn?
- Would you rather dress the way your parents want or like the popular girl at school?
- Would you rather play paintball or go to a water park?
- Would you rather put your hand in a can of worms or a can of cockroaches?
- Would you rather touch an unknown object and guess it or first see it and then touch it?
- Would you rather open a mystery box without quessing or guess what’s inside it before opening it?
- Would you rather have a peacock’s feathers or a polar bear’s fur?
- Would you rather have your uncle’s hair or your grandfather’s mustache?
- Would you rather be a funny clown or a scary clown?
Image: IStock
- Would you rather dress up as a monster or a superhero for Halloween?
- Would you rather trick or treat for Halloween?
- Would you rather go to school in your pajamas or not have to do homework for a week?
- Would you rather shave your head or grow your hair?
- Would you rather be the best player on a losing team or the worst player on the winning team?
- Would you rather visit Switzerland or Vietnam?
- Would you rather throw trash on the road or pick it up?
- Would you rather fly on an airplane or go on a train ride?
- Would you rather exercise or play video games?
- Would you rather have ears like Dumbo or a nose like Pinocchio?
- Would you rather have your hair color change as per your mood or as per the temperature?
- Would you rather have one hour of school and five hours of homework or five hours of school and one hour of homework?
- Would you rather go on an outer space mission or an underwater sea exploration?
- Would you rather jump in a swimming pool or a pond nearby?
- Would you rather live in a house with no windows or in a house with no walls?
- Would you rather eat home-cooked food or fast food?
- Would you rather explore an unknown country or visit the same country every year?
- Would you rather dance in front of your family or dance in front of your friends?
- Would you rather eat a sandwich with ketchup or mayonnaise?
- Would you rather run a mile or skip 50 times?
- Would you rather eat a whole pizza or a whole cake?
- Would you rather spend a weekend at your friend’s place or your grandparent’s place?
- Would you rather eat cotton candies or fruity candies for a whole week?
- Would you rather make new friends at a party or hang out with old friends at a party?
- Would you rather eat an ice cream cone on a hot summer day or have a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day?
- Would you rather become famous or remain unknown?
- Would you rather live a secret life or become a known celebrity?
- Would you rather visit your friend’s band playing at a local cafe or go to a concert of your favorite rock band?
- Would you rather be thirsty all the time or hungry all the time?
- Would you rather face your fears or run away from them?
- Would you rather eat a whole fruit or drink its juice?
- Would you rather watch a food fight or take part in a food fight?
- Would you rather share your toys with your friends or play on your own?
- Would you rather invite all your friends or all your cousins to your birthday party?
- Would you rather sing in the bathroom or sing in front of thewhole class?
- Would you rather lick milk like a cat or lick yourself like a cat?
- Would you rather have a stain on your dress and not notice or have a hole in your dress and not notice?
- Would you rather have a treehouse or have a secret club with friends?
- Would you rather eat a year’s worth burgers in one night or never eat burgers again?
- Would you rather have your childhood pictures posted online or sent to your crush?
- Would you rather babysit a baby who cries all the time or stay with a child who lands you in trouble?
- Would you rather forget to take your toothbrush to a sleepover or forget to take your pajamas?
- Would you rather have your diary read out in public or read by your crush?
- Would you rather eat a snail or a slug?
- Would you rather miss prom or miss graduation?
- Would you rather eat a whole packet of Oreo or a can of Pringles?
- Would you rather go to a summer camp or attend a math marathon?
- Would you rather be a fast writer or a fast reader?
- Would you rather watch a comedy or a horror movie?
- Would you rather go on a jog or ride a bike?
- Would you rather babysit your own sibling or the baby next door?
- Would you rather be a single child or have many siblings?
- Would you rather curl your hair or change your hair color?
- Would you rather bully your classmate or protect someone from bullies?
- Would you rather help an old lady cross the street or run behind an ice cream truck?
- Would you rather visit a zoo or a reptile park?
- Would you rather dance in front of your parents or your teachers?
- Would you rather hide your mistake or admit it?
- Would you rather lose all your hair on your head or your eyebrows?
- Would you rather watch a Disney fairy tale movie or a ghost movie?
- Would you rather lie and save your friend or tell the truth?
- Would you rather eat a whole chicken or a whole pie?
- Would you rather play on a swing or the merry-go-round?
- Would you rather live underground or in the air?
- Would you rather eat from a food truck or at a fancy restaurant?
- Would you rather have water that tastes like your favorite drink or have all the vegetables that taste like fast food?
- Would you rather read a book or watch the movie based on the book?
- Would you rather be in the limelight during a party or sit in a corner unnoticed?
- Would you rather eat a whole watermelon or eat an entire turkey?
- Would you rather win a pie-eating contest or a pizza-eating contest?
- Would you rather play in the mud or in the snow?
Image: IStock
- Would you rather have your dog sleep in your bed or you go and sleep in your dog’s bed?
- Would you rather take out the trash or clean after your dog?
- Would you rather have a skunk or a porcupine for a pet?
- Would you rather have 100 cockroaches in your room or one in your bathroom?
- Would you rather have a gum stick to your hair or step on it?
- Would you rather meet your ex without makeup or without combing your hair?
- Would you rather be covered in mud or honey?
- Would you rather eat the spiciest food or the most bitter food in the world?
- Would you rather go out on a picnic or stay home and watch your favorite show on TV?
- Would you rather eat a moldy sandwich or spoiled chicken?
- Would you rather eat a sandwich with no bread or a cheeseburger with no toppings?
- Would you rather grow antenna like a bug or grow a bushy tail like your dog?
- Would you rather eat a bug or your least favorite food for one day?
- Would you rather have wheels for feet or have boxing gloves for hands?
- Would you rather wear your grandma’s clothes or have your grandpa’s hairstyle?
- Would you rather be in your favorite TV show or get teleported into your favorite video game?
- Would you rather turn into the color of whatever you drink or whatever you eat every single time?
- Would you rather have the ability to sniff like a dog or jump over walls like a cat?
- Would you rather be Santa’s helper or one of his reindeers?
- Would you rather live with Santa in his workshop or live in a gingerbread house?
- Would you rather work in Santa’s workshop or ride with him in the sled, delivering gifts?
- Would you rather be Grinch who stole Christmas or Scrooge who didn’t give anyone presents?
- Would you rather peek at your presents before opening them or get an extra present?
- Would you rather watch Christmas movies all day or go out shopping all day?
- Would you rather trade all your birthday gifts with your sibling or your best friend?
- Would you rather swim in a pool of mud or slime?
- Would you rather take a super hot shower or super cold shower every day?
- Would you rather be super lucky with average intelligence or super smart with average luck?
- Would you rather eat a whole raw onion or raw meat?
- Would you rather have a magic carpet that flies or a magical car that flies?
- Would you rather have everything in your house in one color or multiple colors?
- Would you rather reach the mars and live there or save the earth and live here?
- Would you rather be a principal in a school or head the army of a country?
- Would you rather fight a knight or a sumo wrestler?
- Would you rather become like your grandfather or your dad for one day?
- Would you rather visit your favorite actor’s house or your crush’s house invisibly?
- Would you rather fall asleep in the class or the movie?
- Would you rather walk around with soap in your hair or with unkempt hair?
- Would you rather want the tooth fairy to leave you a golden tooth or money?
- Would you rather wear dirty clothes for a week or wear the same outfit every day for a week?
- Would you rather forget your lines in the school play or your class presentation?
- Would you rather have hands like Edward Scissorhands or hooks like a pirate?
- Would you rather live like a sailor or a pirate?
- Would you rather share your bed with someone who snores or someone who talks in their sleep?
- Would you rather pop a balloon with something sharp or blow it until it pops?
- Would you rather wear ugly shoes or shoes that are not of your size?
- Would you rather have a huge zit that goes away or small zits that do not go away?
- Would you rather have the entire class know the name of your crush or never get to see your crush again?
- Would you rather have something stuck in your teeth or have booger dangling from your nose?
- Would you rather be as tall as a giraffe or as short as a pygmy rabbit?
- Would you rather wake up beside your favorite cartoon character or your best friend?
- Would you rather scream while watching a horror movie or cry while watching a tragedy movie?
- Would you rather ride on the back of a lion or a bull?
- Would you rather swim in a pool of ice-cold water or a pool of hot water?
- Would you rather slide down the stairs or hop down the stairs?
- Would you rather have a sleepover with your favorite cartoon characters or your classmates?
- Would you rather attend a party at the house of the popular girl in the school or have a sleepover at your best friend’s house?
- Would you rather have an aunt that pulls your cheeks a lot or have an aunt that pats your head a lot?
- Would you rather sleep on a wet floor or a dirty floor?
- Would you rather buy food from the cafeteria or carry your lunch box from home?
- Would you rather lose your hair or your teeth?
- Would you rather get stuck on an island on your own or with your math teacher?
- Would you rather eat raw fish or starve?
- Would you rather have your mom embarrass you at school or have your best friend embarrass you at school?
- Would you rather sleep beside a skunk or a pig?
- Would you rather live in Narnia or Pandora?
- Would you rather eat like your mom or dad?
- Would you rather imitate your mom or dad?
- Would you rather leave early from your crush’s party or attend your family dinner?
- Would you rather take the window seat or aisle seat on an airplane?
- Would you rather wait for your turn or jump the queue?
- Would you rather be able to make your favorite food disappear out of thin air or make your least favorite food appear?
- Would you rather have a funny laugh or a funny walk?
- Would you rather dance like a chicken in front of your family or get trolled on the Internet?
- Would you rather brush your teeth with ketchup or hot sauce?
- Would you rather befriend a monster or an alien?
- Would you rather read babies’ minds or be able to communicate with them?
- Would you rather have long fingernails or toenails?
- Would you rather lose your sense of taste or your sense of smell?
- Would you rather have no eyebrows or have orange eyebrows?
- Would you rather eat with your legs or walk with your hands?
- Would you rather get lots of hugs or lots of kisses?
- Would you rather wear clothes that are oversized or clothes that are really tight?
- Would you rather never going to bed again or never waking up early?
- Would you rather forget your social media account password or your mobile phone password?
- Would you rather leave your phone unlocked with your parents or with your best friend?
- Would you rather eat a lot or not eat for a week?
Image: IStock
- Would you rather have a smart and proud friend or a friend with average intelligence but humility?
- Would you rather be famous for something bad or be amazing at something, with no one knowing about it?
- Would you rather have lots of superpowers for a month or one superpower for a whole year?
- Would you rather be known as a genius or a funny person?
- Would you rather eat an unknown dish or your least-favorite dish?
- Would you rather watch TV in bed alone or on the couch with the whole family?
- Would you rather wear clothes of your choice to school or wear a school uniform?
- Would you rather have a smoothie or a milkshake?
- Would you rather wash the dirty dishes or do the laundry?
- Would you rather live in a noisy or quiet neighborhood?
- Would you rather eat something roasted or deep-fried?
- Would you rather be Spiderman’s sidekick or Superman’s sidekick?
- Would you rather live in a jungle for one week or live in the city for a year?
- Would you rather crawl around all the time or hop around all the time?
- Would you rather go to a tea party or a costume party?
- Would you rather sleep with your favorite blanket or your teddy bear?
- Would you rather live with your grandma or cousins?
- Would you rather join a dance club or a debate club?
- Would you rather be a ninja or a spy?
- Would you rather put ketchup or mustard on your hotdog?
- Would you rather go on a walk with your dog or sibling?
- Would you rather be given lemons to eat or cucumbers to eat?
- Would you rather be popular among your classmates or your teachers?
- Would you rather win an Oscar or an Olympic medal?
- Would you rather take silly photos with your parents or friends?
- Would you rather have a pig’s nose or a monkey’s face?
- Would you rather have an unlimited supply of chips or candies?
- Would you rather have a bad breath or bad odor for an entire day?
- Would you rather have friends who are smarter than you or friends that are better looking than you?
Image: Stable Diffusion/MomJunction Design Team
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are some ways to keep “Would You Rather” questions engaging and interesting for children over time?
Mixing up the themes of the questions, using visual aids, asking open-ended questions, incorporating current events or pop culture, and asking challenging questions that require teamwork and critical thinking can help make the game more engaging and interactive for kids. This conundrum will open up various possibilities, causing an interesting dilemma.
2. How can I use “Would You Rather” questions as a tool for building communication and social skills in my children?
“Would You Rather” questions can work as an icebreaker fostering critical thinking and exploring values and beliefs. Choosing age-appropriate questions, encouraging discussion, and practicing active listening can help your child develop important communication and social skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. Kids would show disagreement with some answers and might contend why one answer is better than the other.
3. What are some tips for keeping the “Would You Rather” game fair and inclusive for all players?
Keeping the game fair and inclusive for all players requires you to avoid offensive or discriminatory questions and choose relevant and accessible questions that allow all players to answer after a thorough discussion. These can also encourage players to respect and empathize with each other’s answers while including different cultural backgrounds, feelings, and opinions. Choosing appropriate questions will also reduce the number of queries raised and curb quandary, controversy, and conflict.
Asking “would you rather” questions to kids is a great way to pass the time when on a road trip or waiting in line with a fidgety child. These questions will also help you get to know your child better, thus strengthening your bond. The questions cover various topics, from food and activity preferences to weird situations. You can also get to know their honest opinion about yourself and your partner. So, try asking these questions the next time your child is bored to brighten up a gloomy day.
Infographic: Would You Rather Questions To Ask Children
Keeping children engaged can be a challenging task. However, some games and activities can help do the magic. In the following infographic are some funny ‘Would you rather’ questions that can help you know about your children and help to introduce children to each other. These questions can also help learn more about a child’s personality and preferences.
Illustration: Momjunction Design Team
Enjoy this entertaining video for kids featuring 10 exciting ‘Would You Rather’ questions. It’s full of fun and will keep children engaged while challenging their decision-making skills.
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