Our solar system was formed 4.5 billion years ago due to the collapse of a giant molecular cloud. All the pieces of the solar system were created at the same, but it took billions of years for the entire system to develop.
Our neighborhood has always been a subject of interest not just to the scientists, but also to the little ones. Keep the children’s interest in mind; we have compiled a list of 20 solar system coloring pages. Check them out below!
20 Solar System Coloring Pages For Kids
1. Our Solar System:
Here’s a coloring image of our magnanimous coloring image, complete with all the nine planets, suns, and comets. This coloring page would make study time easier for your little one. Everything in our solar system revolves around the sun, the largest star in the universe. But a surprising fact is that the solar system is made up of not just nine planets, but over 100 worlds, and every bit of it is fascinating. Some minor planets and moons are even larger than Mercury. Encourage your child to color each planet to help him memorize the order.
2. The Sun:
Here’s the solar system coloring sheet of the mighty sun, the largest star in the solar system. The sun houses around 98% of all the materials in the Solar System. Do you know why? Because the larger the object, the more gravity it has. Since the sun is greater than is colossal, its gravity attracts the objects in the Solar System towards it. At the same time, the objects moving try to fly away from the sun, into the emptiness of space. But when the sun tries to pull the inward, they become trapped halfway in between. Stuck between the sun and escaping into space, the planets spend eternity attempting to orbit around the parent star.
[ Read: Sun Coloring Pages ]
3. Label The Planets:
Here’s an amazing activity sheet for your little one. It requires your child to label the planets in our solar system. For his help, the names of the planets are given below. So he just has to fill the blanks with the correct names. And after labeling the diagram, he has to fill appropriate colors. Shading would look beautiful in this picture.
4. Jupiter:
Blast your child off into space with this Jupiter planet printable. The planet Jupiter was named after the Roman god of the same. It is the fifth planet from the sun and the third brightest object in the sky after the moon and Venus. As most of you know, Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. In fact, it’s so huge that 1300 Earths could fit inside it. Jupiter is entirely a gas planet, and only a tiny bit at the core is solid. These gasses are methane, helium, and water. Jupiter also has giant storms swirling on its surface, the biggest of which is the Great Red Spot.
5. Venus:
This coloring page features the brightest planet in the universe. Venus is often called the sister planet to earth. The surface of this planet had volcanoes, the lava flowing from which formed land, sand, and mountains. When the planet Venus was first formed, it appeared a lot like earth. It had lots of water, but being closer to the sun, all the water evaporated.
The average temperature of Venus is 850 degrees, which caused a natural greenhouse effect, trapping gasses in the atmosphere. Even the carbon dioxide built up, making it a toxic planet for living beings to thrive.
6. Mars:
Also called the red planet, Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and second smallest planet in the universe. It’s named after the Roman god of war, Mars. As a terrestrial planet, Mars has a thin atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide.
Mars is the most Earth-like planet in the universe. It is half the diameter of the Earth but has the same amount of dry land. It is also the only planet other than Earth with the right temperature to support life. Mars has two moons, Deimos, and Phobos, and they can be captured by the asteroids.
Fun Fact- Mars is home to the tallest volcano in our solar system, the Olympus Mons. This shield volcano is 21 kilometers long and 600 kilometer in diameter.
7. Neptune:
Here’s a coloring page of Neptune, the farthest planet in the solar system. Discovered in 1846, Neptune was the last planet to be found by the scientist. This blue colored planet was seen by the Voyager 2 orbital satellite in 1989. Until then, not much was known about this planet.
Neptune has not one, or two, but 17 moons, the largest being Triton and Nereid. This planet also has massive wind speed, reaching 1500 miles per hour. The storms on Neptune fade only to return.
8. Saturn:
Teach your child about the second largest planet in the solar system with this coloring page. Just like Jupiter, Saturn is a giant planet made with two elements, hydrogen, and helium. This puts the planet just in the liquid state. The fast moving storms float around the outer layer of this planet just as the planet spins in its orbit.
The planet Saturn is most famous for the rings that dance along its orbit. These rings are mostly made of ice crystals that form clumps and then break apart. Saturn has 57 names moons and hundreds of tiny moonlets trapped in Saturn’s gravitational pull.
9. Uranus:
Did you know that Uranus could get as cold as -144 degrees Fahrenheit. Teach your child more about the third largest planet in our solar system with this coloring page. Uranus, the seventh planet in the solar system is a huge, icy planet covered with clouds and encircled by a belt of 11 rings. The blue color of this planet is caused because of the excess level of methane in the atmosphere. Instead of rotating with an axis perpendicular to its orbit, Uranus usually turns to one side. The rotational axis gives rise to the extreme seasons on Uranus.
10. Spaceship in Space:
Take your kid for a trip to the stars with this coloring page. It features a spaceship zooming through the solar system. The activity sheet, with its numerous space staples, will surely satisfy the galactic adventurer in your hands. Can your child guess which planet is this astronaut visiting? Let him think about it as he colors. And do not forget to encourage him to use bold and bright colors for this diagram.
[ Read: Star Coloring Pages ]
11. Moon:
Moon is Earth’s natural satellite. It’s a cold and dry orb with surface studded with craters and strewn with dust and rocks, which are called regolith.
The moon always shows the same side to the Earth. The farthest side of the moon was observed for the first time by the humans in 1959 when Soviet Luna 3 mission orbited and photographed it. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first people to walk on the moon. Our moon has hundreds of moons. But do you know how it’s formed? Ask your child this question and see what he answers.
12. Halley’s Comet:
Here’s a coloring image of Halley’s Comet, the most famous comet to date. It’s a period comet that returns to the vicinity of the earth every 75 years, making it possible for humans to see it once or twice in his lifetime. The last timeHalley’s Comet visited us was in 1986, and it is supposed to return in 2061.
Halley’s Comet is named after the renowned astronomer Edmond Halley, who examined the reports of a comet approaching Earth in 1531, 1607 and 1682. He further concluded all these three comets were the same comet returning to the earth repeatedly. He even predicted that the comet would return in 1758. He wasn’t alive to witness the comet’s arrival again, but his discovery led to it being named after him.
13. Asteroid:
Asteroids are large rocks that orbit the sun. It is usually made of metal and rock, and most of it fall between the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The size of an asteroid varies from about ½ miles to hundreds of miles and just a few of them approach the sun. The asteroids are also called planetoids or minor planets.
14. Asteroid Belt:
A majority of asteroids in our solar system assembled in a region beyond Mars, forming the Asteroid Belt. This donut- shaped concentration of asteroids orbit the sun between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars. It is slightly closer to the Mars orbit, between 186 and 370 million miles from the sun. Some asteroids even migrate near the Earth space and some a thrown out of the outer solar system by the gravitational intercommunication. The largest asteroids in the belt are Vesta, Pallas, Ceres, and Hygeia. These asteroids contain half the mass of the entire belt.
15. Comet:
Comets are huge, dirty snowballs found in the farthest parts of the solar system. Made of ice dust and chunks of rock, these comets orbit around the Sun. Some comets also come into the inner solar system every few hundred years. The long tail of dust and gas from the comet always points away from the sun due to the force of the solar wind. The tail can be over 250 million km long, and it’s mostly about what we see. The comets are visible only when they are near the sun in their eccentric orbits.
16. Satellite:
Here’s a coloring image of the International Space Station, the largest artificial satellite orbiting the earth. This satellite was developed mainly by the University of Tartu to carry out a tether deployment experiment on the low Earth orbit. Satellite can be either natural or artificial. The natural satellites of the solar system are a Galilean moon of Jupiter, Titan, Saturn’s moon, Earth’s moon and Triton, Neptune’s captured satellite. NASA itself has more than a dozen earth science satellites in orbit. These satellites help study the land, atmosphere and oceans.
17. Earth:
Here’s a coloring page of our beloved planet, earth. Earth is the third planet from the sun. It has water on the surface and oxygen that we can breathe. It is mainly made up of rock. From space, the Earth looks like a blue ball with brown and green land and white clouds. The temperature of the earth can either be hot or cold, but the temperature is mainly ideal for life on the earth.
[ Read: Earth Coloring Pages ]
18. The Nine Planets:
Here’s a coloring page of the nine planets- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Show your child the picture of the planets and then ask him to color accordingly. As an activity, you can check out the planets with a small binoculars and telescope at night. Or head to a private observatory for added information.
19. Pluto:
Here’s a coloring page of Pluto, the ninth planet and the largest dwarf planet in our solar system. Until last, Pluto was a mystery to most of us because it was never explored by a spacecraft. On 14th July 2015, New Horizons Spacecraft found Pluto being composed of 98% ice. This dwarf planet orbits mostly around Neptune. Do you know how Pluto received its name? In Roman Mythology, Pluto was the underworld god. The planet received its name because of it being far away from the sun. It has five moons- Charon, Nix, Hydra, Kerberos, and Styx.
20. Mercury:
The tiny planet you see near the sun in this coloring page is Mercury, the second smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is named after the Roman god Mercury, the messenger of the gods. The diameter of mercury is one-third of the size of Earth’s. Being one of the four terrestrial planets, meaning it’s made of mostly of rock. The crust of Mercury is made of stone; the mantle is made of silicates, and the core is iron. It takes 176 Earth days for Mercury to complete its rotation and 88 days to orbit once around the sun. So one day of Mercury would last two years.
Along with the images, some of these coloring pages also carry the names of the planets. So in addition to playing with colors and filling the planet pictures with proper shades, these free solar system coloring pages will also help him hone his vocabulary and writing skills. So which of these coloring pages did he like coloring the most? Tell us by commenting below!