Who said dinosaurs are dead? They are still around everywhere, just waiting round the corner. Surprised? Don’t be! Look around and you will spot them in your little one’s macaroni, toys, clothes, crackers, cartoon shows, meals and even his favorite movies!
Unlike what you may think, your kid will most likely get fascinated by anything which is huge, scary, rare, different and (to some extent) extinct too! Things like these will instantly draw his attention and hold his interest for long. These are some of the biggest reasons why your, and most kids, love dinosaurs.
If you are feeling that your kid’s love for these big beasts is a rare case, think again. 7 out of 10 parents would invariably agree to their children going through a dinosaur phase in their childhood. To kids, dinosaurs are nothing less than fantasy and they love these extinct entities.
You will be surprised to know the level of dinosaur love! There are so many kinds of dinosaurs and so much to learn about them, that it can be a little tiring and difficult for your kid to remember and recollect.
Dinosaur Coloring Pages For Kids
A great way to encourage this love and let your kid have some fun is by using his coloring time – as a learning time. This simple activity of coloring can be used for your kid’s benefit.
Here are the free dinosaur coloring pages to print that your kid will enjoy coloring and will also treasure it as a special character:
1. Baby Dinosaur:
This is the perfect dinosaur coloring page to begin with.
- If your kid is young and has just been introduced to dinosaurs, it is best advised that you let him first get used to these new creatures.
- Here is a simple yet a cute picture of a baby dinosaur. The animated effect of the picture will make it really appealing to your kid.
2. Baby Dinosaur With Mamma:
This second picture is also appropriate for beginners.
- The picture shows baby dinosaur with mamma dinosaur.
- This picture can be a great way to help your kid learn about concepts like size and relation.
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3. Baby Dinosaur With Pentagons:
This third picture is more like a face off.
- If your little one likes seeing dinosaurs in action, he sure would fall in love with this one.
- This picture makes your kid understand how two kinds of dinosaurs can be different (in terms of color and body parts) from each other.
- At the same time, he can also learn to identify similarities, like basic appearance and the like between the two.
4. Red Baby Dinosaur:
Here is another cute-looking baby dinosaur of a different kind.
- Your kid can play with his imagination and learn what makes the first baby dinosaur different from this one.
- Another great way to let your kid know that there are different kinds of the same species.
[ Read: Sea Animals Coloring Pages ]
5. School Book Dinosaur:
This fifth picture looks straight out of your child’s school books.
- As this is such a typical image of a dinosaur, your kid may instantly relate it to the lessons that his teacher has taught in school.
- You may revisit that same lesson with him while at home.
- While your kid enjoys coloring the picture, you can refresh his memory and redo the lesson.
6. Dinosaur With Spikes:
This next picture shows another dinosaur of a different kind.
- This one is a type of dinosaur called Hadrosaurs.
- This type is identified by its duck-billed snout on the head.
- You can use this coloring page and teach your kid about how different dinosaurs differ from each other.
- You can also show him how certain body features make certain dinosaurs stand out from the rest.
- These unique features can make for a great way for your kid to remember their names too.
7. Two Dinosaurs:
Here is yet another spectacular image of a different kind of dinosaur.
- This picture needs a little detailing while coloring so give it to help your kid with understanding and motor skills.
- The picture shows a type of Ankylosaurs and they are identified by their sharp spikes.
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8. Pinkish Dinosaurs:
This is another great picture to help your kid understand the concept of difference.
- This will help your kid understand that there can be various types of dinosaurs who differ, yet look similar in some way.
- The pictures are not very detailed because the idea is to make your kid understand about the different types.
9. Baby And Mamma Dinosaur:
This next picture is the picture of Styracosaurus, another amazing type of dinosaur.
- The picture shows, baby and mamma dinosaur together.
- The distinctive features of this type of dinosaur will make it really appealing to your kid to color it well.
[ Read: Wild Animals Coloring Pages ]
10. Horned Dinosaur:
The last picture shows the Afrovenator Abakensis dinosaur.
- This kind was generally identified by the three claws, it had on each hand.
- This also happens to be one of the most widely seen images of dinosaurs.
- Your kid might recollect seeing these in one of the Jurassic Park movie series.
11. Dinosaur Fossils in Natural History Museum:
Children love to visit museum and visit the exhibits with amazement. Parents should take them to museum often so that they learn about what happened in the past. Since your children are curious about animals you can show them huge dinosaur fossils at the Natural History Museum and tell them about the history of dinosaurs. How they lived in the pre historic times and how they became extinct. You can show your children pictures of different types of dinosaurs that existed in the prehistoric times, and tell them what they ate and how these dinosaurs survived.
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12. Brontosaurus:
Apatosaurus is also known as Brontosaurus, it belongs to the family of sauropod dinosaur that lived 150-154 million years ago during the Jurassic Period. It was one of the largest animals that ever lived on the earth. The average height of brontosaurus was 23m (75ft) and weighed about 16 metric tons. The fossils of Brontosaurus were found in Nine Mile Quarry and Bone Cabin Quarry at Wyoming, at sites in Colorado, Oklahoma and Utah.
The cervical vertebrae of Brontosaurus was less elongated and more heavily constructed than Diplodocus. The bones of the leg was stockier though elongated, this proved that the Brontosaurus was a robust animal. The Brontosaurus carries its tail above the ground during locomotion. Like all sauropods, the Brontosaurus has one big claw in each forelimb and three toes with claws on the hind lim.
The real name of Brontosaurus is derived from Greek works ‘apatelos’ which means deceptive and sauros which means ‘lizard’.
You can tell your little one these trivia about Brontosaurus to make the coloring session fun and informative.
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13. Corythosaurus:
Corythosaurus is a type of duck billed dinosaur that belonged to the Upper Cretaceous period. The dinosaur existed on the face of the Earth 77 million years ago. The name Corythosaurus is derived from Greek, which means ‘helmet lizard’. The name and description of this dinosaur was given by Barnum Brown in 1914.
It is easy to detect a corythosaurus specimen from skeletons because of the tall crests. It is believed that the crest helped in vocalization. The air used to pass through various chambers of the crest and would get amplified when the corythosaurus exhaled. All the skeletons of Corythosaurus were found with food preserved in the chest cavity. This gives us some evidence that this dinosaur had conifer needles, seed, twig and fruits. It looked scary no doubt, but it didn’t harm humans!
14. Lystrosaurus:
Lystrosaurus species of Dinosaur belongs to the family of dicynodont therapsids. It lived during the Earlier Permian and Middle Triassic period that dates back to nearly 250 million years ago. Lystosaurus occupies the areas now known as Antarctica, India and South Africa.
Lystosaurus had only two teeth, a pair of tusk like canines. It probably had a horny beak that helped it to tear of pieces of vegetation. A lystosaurus is a heavily built herbivore and it is approximately a size of a pig. The structure of the shoulder and hip joints, as found during skeletal study by experts, suggest that the dinosaur moved with a semi-sprawling gait. The forelimbs are more robust than hind limbs. Lystosaurus were great diggers and they lived in burrows.
Lystosaurus were very robust and their body type helped them to survive the changing atmospheric conditions during the Permian-Triassic extinction event. This picture shows the dinosaur to be dangerous but it actually never attacked any human or other animals. It is the sheer size and the lashing tongue that created the fear.
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15. Allosaurus:
An Allosaurus is a large theropod dinosaur that lived 155 to 150 million years ago, during the late Jurassic Period. The name Allosaurus means ‘different lizard’ and it is also derived from Greek. Allosaurus is classified as allosaurid, a type of Carnosaurian theropod dinosaur.
Allosaurus is a bipedal predator. Watch any Dinosaur film like Jurassic Park and you can spot one Allosaurus there! It had a large skull with dozen of sharp teeth, enough to make your blood curdle. It was probably 8.5m (28ft), however the fragmentary study show that Allosaurus could have been 12 meters (39ft). The three fingered forelimbs were small compared to large and powerful hind limbs. The body got balance from the heavy well-muscled tail.
Allosaurus was really dangerous as it preyed on other herbivorous dinosaurs and other animals. The most common victims of an Allosaurus attack were
Ornithopods, stegosaurids, and sauropods. Paleontologists are divided in their opinion on the behavior of the Allosaurus, some believe that they had a cooperative social behavior while hunting in packs, several others think Allosaurus were aggressive and ate from same carcass. Most probably, the Allosaurus attacked the prey in an ambush, using their lower jaw as a hatchet.
16. A Close Up:
This is a close up picture of a dinosaur and you can pin it up in your kid’s room after he finishes coloring it. If your child watched Jurassic Park already and loved the movie then you can write Jurassic Park below the picture.
It is not known which species of dinosaur this one belongs to, but its sharp canines show that it was possibly a predator or a carnivore. We generally associate all dinosaurs as predators, it is not true, but the close up of this dinosaur confirms it could have been a blood hounding predator of the prehistoric times.
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17. Dino Says Hello:
This Dino, though with sharp teeth, looks amiable! Your little one will love to color this friendly dino who is saying a hello. Your child will color the spots and crests in different colors. His imagination will fly sky high when he is coloring this dinosaur.
This dinosaur looks a little friendly and its snarl is appearing as a broad grin.
18. Triceratops:
Triceratops is derived from Greek word, which means three horn faced dinosaur. It belongs to the family of herbivorous ceratopsid dinosaur. It first appeared on Earth in late Maastrichtian stage of the late Cretaceous period, which dates back to about 68 million years ago. It occupied the area which is now known as North America. It became extinct during the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 66 million years ago.
A triceratops looks familiar to a rhinoceros, with its large boney frill and three horns. A tricerapod has four legs. A triceratops was often attacked by Tyrannosaurus. Though tricerapod never gave up fighting for its life, many popular images show that a tricerapod is fighting a Tyrannosaurus with all its might.
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19. Parasaurolophus:
The name Parasaurolophus means ‘near crested dinosaur’. It is a type of Ornithopod Dinosaur that lived during the Cretaceous Period. Many fossils of Parasaurolophus show that they resided in the place now known as North America.
Parasaurolophus were both biped and quadruped. Parasaurolophus was a hadrosaurid, part of a diverse family of Cretaceous dinosaurs known for their range of bizarre head adornments. It had a large cranial crest and a long curved tube projecting upwards from the back of its skull.
Charonosaurus from China, which may have been its closest relative, had a similar skull and crest. It is a rare kind of hadrosaurid.
20. Velociraptor:
Velociraptor is a genus of Dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period.
A velociraptor played a crucial role in Jurassic Park movie series your child might have watched already. He will be an able to recognize this dinosaur immediately! A velociraptor is bipedal feathered carnivore with a long tail. It has a long sickle shaped claw with which he hunts the prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other Dromaeosaurid by its long and low skull and upturned snout.
You can tell your child these interesting details about this dinosaur when he is coloring the picture. He will listen to you amazed about these extinct creatures that he saw in Jurassic Park attacking little children. You can tell him that the story of the film is just fiction actually dinosaurs never killed humans, because humans were like primitive apes hiding in caves. Neither they were friendly like the dinosaur in the popular cartoon series Flintstones.
21. Pachycephalosaurus:
Pachycephalosaurus is a genus of pachycephalosaurid dinosaurs. The type species, P. wyomingensis, is the only known species. It lived during the Late Cretaceous Period of what is now North America. Pachycephalosaurus in Greek means ‘thick headed lizard’.
Pachycephalosaurus had a single skull with thick skull roof, just shown in this picture below. It was probably an herbivore or omnivore. It was the last type of non-avian dinosaur before the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event. Another dinosaur, Tylosteus of western North America, has been synonymized with Pachycephalosaurus. It had long hind limbs and shorter forelimbs.
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22. Carnotaurus:
Carnotaurus is a genus of large theropod dinosaur that lived in South America during the Late Cretaceous period, between about 72 and 69.9 million years ago. The only species is Carnotaurus sastrei. The word ‘carnotaurus’ is derived from Latin which means meat eating bull. Carnotaurus is a derived member of the Abelisauridae, a group of large theropods that occupied the large predatorily niche in the southern Landmasses of Gondwana during the late Cretaceous period. Its closest relatives are either Majungasaurus or Aucasaurus.
Carnotaurus was a lightly built, bipedal predator, measuring 8 to 9 m (26 to 30 ft) in length and weighing at least 1 metric ton. It had thick horns over the eyes which made it different from other carnivorous dinosaurs. It had small vestigial forelimbs and slender hind limbs. It had a deep skull with muscular neck. It had no feathers but it had a mosaic of overlapping scales that measured 5mm in diameter. The physical features of carnotaurus made it a distinctive and highly specialized theropod. Carnotaurus us his horns as shock absorbers when he attacked his rivals with slow head pushes or blows.
23. D for Dinosaur:
You can teach your child that the word dinosaur starts with the letter d. Show him how to write both capital and smaller case d.
This dinosaur looks cute with polka dots and spikes. You can see this dino smiling too! Your child will enjoy coloring this dinosaur and make this coloring session informative and an enriching learning experience.
24. Striped Dinosaur:
This striped dinosaur looks really unusual. It has sharped teeth too, so it must be a dangerous predator. Don’t be surprised when your little one color this picture using different colors, it might turn out to be a spectacular multi-colored dinosaur that never walked the face of earth! Well that’s how innocent children are, they will color pictures according to their own wish and you can sit back and enjoy a little laugh. Make sure, you explain your child that dinosaurs are not multicolored like it shown in cartoons. You can show them pictures or dinosaurs in the internet to show them the real color of a dinosaur. Though color of dinosaur did vary from one species to another but it was mainly brownish or grayish brown with a tinge of olive green and black.
25. Dino Wearing Shoes:
This is a picture perfect dinosaur wearing boots. This is picture is so funny, your child will be thrilled to color it. He will definitely give a broad grin when he sees a dino wearing canvas shoes, just like he does when goes to play. This little dino is also playing by clicking his fingers. Pin this dinosaur picture in your kid’s bedroom once he completes coloring it.
Coloring time can be made fun and informative by sharing information about each dinosaur. It is best to show him dinosaur fossils in a museum, he might not understand everything but he or she will definitely like to see those giant sized skeletons. It is a great way to tell them about these prehistoric animals. You can also research these animals with your kid in the internet for more information. Don’t forget to pin up these coloring pages once your child completes coloring them so that they feel that their work has been appreciated!
With so many types of dinosaurs, it is difficult for even adults to remember their names. Of course it can be impossible for your kid to do so. It is best to let your child understand about their basic nature, features and characteristics in general.
Do not stress on remembering each one by its name. Gradually, as your kid grows up, he will learn what he has to. Utilize his coloring time by making him more familiar with this category of animals. Let him enjoy these dinosaur pictures to color.
Hope your kid enjoys these free printable dinosaur coloring pages. Do post in their work after they’ve finished coloring. Also tell us which one of these your kid enjoyed coloring the most. And as a treat, watch a few dinosaur movies together!