Is your child obsessed with Pokémon? Does he or she love drawing and painting? Now you can bring your child’s both loves together with these printable coloring pages, featuring their favorite heroes.
If you are invited to a young niece or nephew’s birthday, don’t just buy dolls and cars. Give them a nice present of coloring pages. Here are some ideas for your kids, which you can download too!
Best Pokemon Coloring Pages For Kids
Print out a bunch of these pokemon coloring sheets and make a colorful cover binding to present them with your very own Pokémon Coloring Book. Charizard, Pikachu, Jigglypuff- watch your child scribble at the characters with their crayons. These Pokemon coloring pages to print are suitable for kids between 4 and 9 years of age.
1. Voltorb Versus Clefairy:
This coloring sheet from Coloring.ws DLTK shows those few rare glimpses of the cute and friendly Clefairy not being befriended. Clefairy’s power is establishing friendships but Voltorb is not affected. So, as seen in the coloring sheet, this battle is all about Voltorb’s dominance.
2. The Lord Of The Dark Darkrai:
This is a portrait of the majestic, Dark type Pokémon Darkrai. If your child is a fan of the Generation IV through VI, he or she will surely like to color in the legendary Pokémon with powers like making people fall asleep and dream or make them see terrible nightmares. Despite the type, it only subjects people to nightmares to protect itself.
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3. The Boy And His Pokémon:
Pokémon player Ash Ketchum and Pikachu’s camaraderie and friendship are one of the main reasons children are attracted to this series. This bond between Ash and Pikachu can be likened to the close friendship between a boy and his pet. This pivotal relationship of the Pokémon world is summed up in four words ‘Pickachu, I choose you!’ and this coloring sheet is all about that.
4. The Fiery One Charmeleon:
With fire on its tail, this Pokémon is all about heated performance. This coloring sheet shows Charmeleon’s fiery attitude with the Pokemon roaring out and flames on the background. Children know Charmeleon best from its appearance as Ash’s Charmeleon, which evolved from Charmander in March of Exeggutor Squad.
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5. Squirtle:
This cute little Pokémon is water type and is seen right from the beginning of the Pokémon days. It evolves into Wartortle and Blastoise. This tiny turtle Pokémon is a favorite of young kids and Ash too. It throws jets of water from its mouth with great accuracy.
6. Caterpie:
This is a bug type Pokémon evolves into Metapod and Butterfree from this stage. Its major appearance has been as Ash’s Pokémon and has Pokédex entries from Generation I through VI. Your child will love coloring this timid looking Pokémon in green, beige and red.
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7. Weepinbell and Clefairy:
Weepinbell is a hungry (gluttony is its hidden ability) little grass type Pokémon that evolves from Bellsprout and eventually becomes Victreebel. Clefairy evolves from Cleffa and is a Fairy type Pokémon. Little girls are especially fond of this Pokémon. Here Weepinbell is seen coming hurtling at a bemused Clefairy.
8. Parasect:
The basic outline of this water type Pokémon is a favorite of children. Just print the page out and let your child have fun with their crayons and pastels!
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9. Venusaur:
This grass type Pokemon is full of colors, so your arty child will like coloring this Grass type creature. It evolves from Ivysaur and the final form is Bulbasaur.
10. Kids-n-Fun:
This is an amusing coloring sheet that features the Team Rocket (with Jesse, James and talking Meowth) happily running away with a really sad-looking Pikachu.
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11. The Strong Machamp:
Machamp is a bipedal humanoid Pokémon with four well-muscled arms. Its skin is bluish gray;it has red eyes and pale yellow lips. On its head there are three brown ridges right above its eyes. It has two arms on each side of the body, a pair located in the normal position and two rising from the shoulder. It wears legless black tights with a golden power save belt. The legs have a considerable muscle tome with only two toes.
Machamps are so powerful that they can lift a mountain with only one hand. Since it has four arms it can attack its foe from many angles and pin all the limbs of its foe at once. Machamps reside in mountains and are extremely powerful.
Your baby boy or girl who watches Pokémon will love this powerful character and will want to become strong and tough like a Machamp.
12. The Cute Charmander:
Charmander is a small bipedal dinosaur like Pokémon. The entire body of the Charmander is coloured orange and the underbelly is coloured yellow. Charmander and all its evolved form has a flame burning at the end of its tail. Charmander evolves into Charmeleon in level 16 of Pokémon video games and Charizard at level 36.
A Charmander prefers to stay at hot places, when it rains steam spouts from the end of its long tail. The flame at the end of its tail makes a sound as it burns. The flame that constantly burns at the end of the charmander’s tail depicts its life force, when it is weak the flame will burn weakly. When a charmander is healthy even rain can’t stop the flame burning at the end of its tail. The flame also signifies charmander’s emotions, if the charmander is excited or happy the flame will waver and when it is furious the flame will burn vigorously.
So you see the charmander behaves more like a human when it comes to show its emotions. Only you can’t see the fire burning at the end of the tail.
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13. Evee:
Evee is known in Japanese as Eievui is a Pokémon species in Nintendo, a Pokémon franchise. This character was created by Ken Sugimori. Evee first appeared in the video games Pokémon Red and Blue. Evee is also known as Evolution Pokémon since Evee has an unstable genetic code, it can transform into eight different Pokémon depending on the circumstances. For instance, the first three evolutions of Evee are Vaporeon, Jolteon and Falreon. These evolutions take place when the Evee is exposed to Waterstone, Thunderstone and Firestone respectively. Evee evolve to suit their surroundings.
Evee is a mammalian character with brown fur; it has a bushy tail with a cream coloured tip. The Evee’s furry collar is also cream coloured. It has brown eyes, big ears and pink paw pads.
14. Poochyena:
A Poochyena resembles a hyena or other canines. It is another type of quadruped Pokémon. It has a grey body with a black face, throat, feet and belly. The eyes have a yellow sclera and red irises. The nose of the poochyena is also red. This gives the Poochyena a very fierce look.
Two teeth of the Poochyena point out from the lower jaw. The fur at the base of the tail is rumpled and shaggy. The Poochyena has grey paw pads and three toed paws. It omnivorous and eats anything it can lay his hands upon.
A Poochyena has a very keen sense of smell. This enables the poochyena to hunt its prey with ease. The tail transforms into bristle when the Poochyena tries to intimidate the foes. The Poochyena is popular for its tenacious nature because it chases its prey until it becomes really exhausted. This Pokémon is more like a scavenger with its own self defense mechanisms. It thrives mainly in forests and grasslands.
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15. Monferno:
A Monferno is a type of playful Pokémon. This cheerful Pokémon in Japanese is known as Mokazaru. The name Monferno originates from two words, ‘monkey’ and ‘inferno’. This character possesses special characteristics like Blaze and iron fist.
A Monferno can intimidate its foes by stretching the fire on his tail to make it appear bigger. It uses ceilings and walls to launch attacks. The fiery tail is its only potential attack weapon. A monferno can control the fire on the tail to keep its foes at an ideal distance.
A Monferno usually moves in packs or groups. A brighter blue pattern on its face and bigger fire on its tail suggests that it ranks higher in its pack. Since a Pokémon undergoes quick evolution, a Chimchar (a type of Pokémon) transforms into a Monferno and the Monferno transforms into an Infernape. Though Monferno is a cheerful type of Pokémon it has fighting ability that will make you child gape wide mouthed at the television screen. Little boys will be able to associate with this fighting Monferno character and would also like to color it using their own imagination.
16. Blaziken:
Blaziken is also a bipedal Pokémon. Mainly the Blaziken’s body is red in color but it has accents of beige, grey and yellow all over the body. It has beige coloured hair like feathers in its head, which continues to the chest and abdomen. A blaziken has a small red face with a V-shaped crest on its head.The Blaziken’s eyes are semi-circular with yellow sclera and blue iris. The mouth of the Blaziken is like a hooked beak. It has featherless grey hands with three fingers. The three clawed toes are hidden beneath a thick layer of shaggy feathers at the bottom the legs. A female Blaziken has shorter hair and mask than its male counterpart.
A Blaziken has muscular legs thus it has lot of strength in the lower part of the body. This strong lower body helps the Blaziken to kick and jump. The Blaziken’s wrist has grey cuff like markings which is capable of producing a tuft of fire above them. A Blaziken is capable of emitting fire from its ankles. This fire spouting from wrists and ankles cloaks the entire body of the Blaziken helps it to perform a special type of martial art. These unique features and capabilities enable the Blaziken to make its signature move, Blaze kick at the presence of strong opponents.
The Blaziken’s feather burn off and new feathers take its place. As the Blaziken matures and becomes Mega Blaziken, the yellow markings become black. The hair like feathers becomes wing like and point upwards. The area around the chest becomes rough, especially round the shoulders. The V-shaped crest on the head becomes a flat horn and it points backward. Fire from the wrists blaze for a long time.
Your little boy, who looks amazed at the awesome powers of the Blaziken, wants to practice martial arts when he grows up. The Blaziken’s transformation is more like human. Just human sheds dead skin cells the Blaziken’s hair. Your child will simply like coloring this larger than life manifestation of Pokémon.
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17. Pokemon Craze:
Every child and teenager is crazy about Pokémon animated films and video games. These children shown in the picture are no exception. They are carrying Pokémon power bands in their hands. Your little boy or girl may have their favorite Pokémon merchandise at home and will be able to associate with this picture even more. They will love coloring these young boys and girls in the picture because they are just like them, crazy about Pokémon.
18. Raichu:
A Raichu is a bipedal rodent like Pokémon. Raichu is covered with dark orange fur with a cream colour belly. Its arms and feet have brown fur. The soles of the feet are tan with an orange pad in the center. The bifurcated ears are brown on the outside and yellow in the inside and ends in a distinctive curl. The electric sacs on the cheek are yellow. It has two horizontal stripes running down its back. Its long tails has a lightning bolt shape at the end. Female Raichus have a smaller lightning bolt at the end of its tail. This tail is used to gather electricity from the atmosphere or from the ground. The tail also serves the purpose of protecting itself from its own power. A raichu can store up to 100,000 watts of electricity. This cute raichu becomes aggressive when it stores too much of electrical energy. A Raichu exudes a weak electrical charge from the body and glows in the dark. It sometimes discharges electricity in to ground with its light bolt shaped tail, so there are scorch marks near the nest where the Raichu resides.
Just like the Raichu becomes aggressive if too much energy stored in him, similarly your child needs to channelize his inbuilt energy. The best way to channelize his energy is by playing a sport.
19. The Perfect Pokemon Poster:
Every Pokémon crazy kid deserves a big poster of Pokémon and his pals. This is an ideal time for hero worship and your little one worships Pokémon for its various abilities.
Your little one will thoroughly enjoy coloring this poster, and make sure you hang it up in the front of his bed, so that when wakes up early in the morning he can always see this Pokémon poster first.
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20. Cherubi:
This cherry shaped cute looking Pokémon indeed looks cherubic! It is as cute as your little one. A cherubi has a deep pink body with two stubby feet. It has beady eyes and a purple red stripe running down its face. A cherubi has a short stem with two leaves, one big and the other small growing out of it. The second head of the cherubi contains nutrients required for its growth and development. A cherubi loves to sunbathe on warmer days, which are so human! The cherubi gather nutrients by photosynthesis and is attracted to honey.
21. Cute Baby Pokemon:
This pint sized Pokémon can be hung as a poster, you can also make a custom made soft toy of this baby Pokémon, so that your child can hug it tight in his sleep. This Pokémon is yet to grow up and is in the developing stage, just like your little one!
22. Pikachuand Charmander:
Charmander or the dinosaur like Pokémon and the popular character Pikachu are great friends. Your child also learns to bond with friends and loves meeting children of their age. Having playmates around are always great fun. They will love coloring this picture as it celebrates the idea of friendship.
23. Mew Mew:
Mew Two Pokémon is a legendary psychic type character. It can mega evolve into different forms: MegaMew Two X and Mewtwonite Y. It is a member of Mew Duo along with Mew.
Mewtwo is a Pokémon created by science. It is a bipedal, humanoid creature with some feline features. It is primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of its head are two short, blunt horns, and it has purple eyes. A tube extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine, bypassing its neck. It has a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot have spherical tips. Its tail is thick at the base, but thins before ending in a small bulb.
Mega Mewtwo X is larger and bulkier than its normal state. The horns on its head are longer, extending from V-shaped ridges on its forehead, pointed, and curved upward. It retains the tube behind its neck, but its eyes are now light blue, and it has large, purple growths over its shoulders. Its torso is smooth and small compared to its long, bulky limbs, and a Y-shaped line connects the collar and underbelly. Its forearms and thighs each have two raised ridges and its digits are now longer and thinner. The tail is slightly shorter and stiffer than before and has a curled tip.
In comparison, Mega Mewtwo Y is smaller and lighter, losing its long tail and the tube behind its neck. However, it grows a long, purple appendage with a curled tip from the back of its head that is similar to its previous form’s tail. On its head it has two pointed, backward-curving spikes and a half-ring structure connecting the base of each, with empty space inside. Its eyes are now red and slightly larger. The digits on its hands and feet are now purple and more bulbous, and the middle toe is longer than the others. A bumpy ridge similar to a sternum replaces the breastplate structure on its chest, but this form is still largely smoother than the other two.
The Mew version of Pokémon is tiny yet strong. It is a byproduct of tremendous gene splicing and DNA engineering.
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24. Pignite:
Pignite is a bipedal, pig-like Pokémon. Its chubby body is orange with brown bands around its shoulders, sides, belly, hands, and from the back of its head down its snout. Yellow bands encircle its wrists, and swirled yellow designs bulge from its chest. It has a red pig-like nose, pointed ears, and two pointed teeth that protrude from its lower jaw. Its hands have two claws each, while its feet have only a single nail. Its tail is curled with a tuft of fur at the tip.
Pignite has a fire in its stomach, which it fuels with food. The intensity of this flame increases as fuel is added or when Pignite is aggressive. As the flame grows stronger, Pignite’s speed increases. When in trouble, Pignite emits smoke. A Pignite’s signature move is Heat Crash.
Each Pokemon has a special ability which makes them unique and adorable.
25. Pokemon Go:
All your dreams would have come true when you first heard about Pokemon GO – the reality augmented game. Here, you get to catch more than a hundred species of Pokemon with a Poke ball. Available on Google Play and iStore, this game by Niantic is taking the world by storm.
The Pokemon GO logo has an interesting twist as it takes the highlight away from the protagonist Ash and Pikachu. It features the Poke Ball and encourages you to the be the hero of the game!
Keeping you constantly on your feet, this game requires you to hunt down Pokemon which may be present in your area, neighborhood, or just a little farther. Every time you come across a Pokemon, you are expected to use the Poke ball to catch it.
PokeStops, mainly public places or historical places, help you collect Poke items. This means that you get to interact with other players, collect more poke balls, know about different Pokemon, and more. The aim of the game is the tagline of the cartoon series – Gotta catch ’em all! And yes, people are going wild and crazy out of happiness to see their favorite anime come alive, and how!
26. A Pokemon with Leaves on the Head:
This brinjal headed Pokémon almost look like a Cherubi. It also has two leaves sprouting from its head. It is doe eyed and is a little more reserved than a cherubi.
Each Pokémon is different and larger than life characters. Your child, who watches Pokémon daily on television, will like to know in detail about his favorite characters and paint them with their own imagination. So these coloring pages will give them the opportunity to actually ‘own’ these characters.
Coloring has never been so much fun before. Pokémon figures are fun to color as kids can emote to their favoritecharacters. Buy your kids oil pastels, or water colors and let their imagination soar as they color their favourite character in bright shades!
Do give us your feedback about the fun your child had while coloring these pages?
Coloring has never been so much fun before. Pokemon figures are fun to color as kids can emote to their favorite characters. Buy your kids oil pastels, or water colors and let their imagination soar as they color their favorite character in bright shades!
Do give us your feedback about the fun your child had while coloring these free printable Pokemon coloring pages online?