The monsters coloring pages are a good way to introduce mythical animals, obnoxious creatures and contemporary cartoons in your child’s everyday life.
Ancient Greek and medieval mythology has many monstrous characters that have lost their prominence in the life of today’s children. Simultaneously, introducing your child to movies like “Monsters, Inc.” and “Monster University” will help them create a friendly approach towards monsters based plots.
Top 10 Monster Coloring Pages For Preschoolers
Your child will love drawing, coloring and nurturing the image of different monsters in their minds, as they break all the grown up rules of looking proper and can come up with as many eyes hands legs and colors as the mind can run free. They can also apparently sometimes change shape to something else and be funny or scary to look at.
We have added a bunch of ancient and modern monster coloring pictures that will subtly teach your child the names of some prominent monsters and their characters. Here are 10 amazing monster coloring pages free to print for your kids:
1. Mike And Sulley:
Characters from “Monsters, Inc.”, and “Monsters University” movie, these two are best of friends.
- The monsters of the city must scare the children to generate the city’s power.
- When one child enters Monstropolis these two unite to return her. They are themselves scared of small children as they might contaminate them.
- If your child has already seen the movie they know that Sulley is teal in color with purple patches and Mike is lemon green in shade. However in these coloring pages your child can give a very alternate makeover to these two adorable characters.
[ Read: Cookie Monster Coloring Pages ]
2. Headless Horseman:
As the image depicts, it is a scary looking ghost or a monster that haunts at night and is taken from the “Sleepy Hollow” by Washington Irving.
- Many Irish, Celtic and American mothers have put their child to sleep saying that the headless horseman will come if you do not sleep early.
- This monster dates back to the medieval times and is seen on a grey horse in the middle of the night hurrying away in full speed. Your child will be amused to see a monster in this Avatar.
3. Werewolf:
Werewolves are actually infected humans who turn into wolves on full moon night either on purpose or under a curse.
- For centuries the European folklore has different versions of stories of werewolves attacking or transforming.
- To make your kid stay engaged in coloring these pictures tell him or her to beware of the full moon and color quickly.
- Image shows the werewolf in a very dangerous encroaching look about to attack its prey. Your child can use its imagination to color the wolf in whatever color they want, but guide them as to what all color the wolves are found generally in.
[ Read: Monsters Inc. Coloring Pages ]
4. A Mummy From Egypt:
Egypt has scary stories of mummies coming alive and chasing living men. A mummy is the dead body of some man of importance that has been preserved after death.
- The image shows the picture of a mummy that has gotten up from his sleep after ages.
- The linen with which his body was covered is torn at places and that’s how you can see an eye peeping from the rags. He has full grown nails and is in an attack mode.
- There are pyramids and sphinx at the back.
- Tell your child that mummification is a process that was carried out by the rich to stay happily in their afterlife.
- The god of mummification is Anubis, having a head of a jackal and the body of a human being.
- It’s forbidden to open the sarcophagus or the tomb and open the mummy as curse would fall upon those who did.
- Workers in the archaeological site being illiterate have come up with many mummy story of coming alive and attacking its prey.
- Tell your child these facts while they are busy coloring so that they do not believe in superstition.
[ Read: Alien Coloring Pages ]
5. Frankenstein:
Over 130 movies are made on the story of Frankenstein. You can give your children something to watch as well before they color so that they love coloring this even more.
- Frankenstein is believed to be the ‘creature’ monster that rose from the dead and into life after a scientific experiment of bringing back life in to the dead body.
- The story was originally written by Mary Shelly and hence known as Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.
- Tell your child that Frankenstein however ghastly it looked, was a friendly monster. He was detested by everyone due to his ghastly look and scary features of stitches all over its body. The author too has used “it” in place of ‘his’ to create a monster out of her novel.
- Frankenstein is seen rising from the fogs at the dead of the night. There are bats behind him to substantiate his coming. Your child will love coloring this one in shades of night.
6. Loch Ness Monster:
The Loch Ness monster fondly named as Nessie by the locals is believed to live in the Lock (lake) Ness highlands of Scotland and sightings of it goes back to the 6th century AD.
- The image shows Nessie out from the water to take a fresh whiff of air maybe.
- She is happy and smiling and the Scottish highlands can be seen far behind. It’s a wonderful colorful picturesque scene if colored properly.
- While your darlings colors, tell your child that many fake sightings of Nessie have marked even television producers of age, and many photographs have also been proved wrong, but the question still rises as to whether the images are of a giant prehistoric dinosaur or water reptile that continued to survive in the inky 700 feet deep waters.
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7. Griffin:
A griffin is a mythological creature or monster that has the head of an eagle and body of a lion. It sometimes has the tail of a lion or snake depicted in some pictures; the females have wings while the males have spikes on its back.
- The image shows a griffin sitting proudly on its back. Its majestic tail is curled around its hind legs, its attitude resembling a king.
- Tell your child while they color that a lion is the king of the jungle and the eagle is the king of the birds. As the griffin denotes both of them it’s a symbol of strength and intelligence.
- It’s often thought that griffins guard gold and treasures and often make their nests out of it. It’s dangerous to go near a griffin as it attacks and eats men and their horses in mythical folklores. Your child will love to color such a mystical creature.
8. Medusa:
Medusa the snake haired woman is a monster of gorgon of the Greek mythology.
- In this image medusa is standing with her hands folded in a defensive position and unhappiness in her eyes.
- Your child can color the picture anyway he or she wants, even though her skin was known to be green in color and very ugly to look at.
- While your child colors this image tell them the story of Medusa. Tell how she used to be a beautiful maiden once and Athena was offended by her and therefore she turned her beautiful golden locks into snakes and her marble white complexion to a hideous green. Whoever she looked at turned into stone. Perseus, the son of Poseidon, killed her by tricking her with the help of a mirror-like shield, winged shoes and a very sharp sword.
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9. Zombie In The Graveyard:
Many prominent zombie movies have released over time to let your child know about their presence. A zombie is in constant sense of decay; however, a mummy is in its well preserved form.
- Many prominent zombie facts are there that can add fun to your child’s coloring activity.
- Zombies are created either as a living being who was cursed, then died and came back, or normal human beings exposed to some scientific experiment of viruses and radiation.
- The image depicts a zombie crawling out of its grave bed in the middle of the night.
- As it’s already in a state of decay flies are hovering around its head. It is believed that the only way to kill a zombie is to cut off its head.
- The night scene and the zombie’s features make it an interesting coloring object for your child.
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10. Dracula:
Dracula or Count Dracula has been inspired from Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” an 1887 novel which gave way to over 200 films in all.
- Dracula usually refers to a blood sucking monster that creeps in the night, sucks blood from its prey and returns to its tombstone at dawn.
- Dracula is afraid of garlic, mirror, silver and holy cross and therefore in popular folklore these things are tied or hung on victims and houses to keep it at bay.
- The image shows Dracula smiling sheepishly. Its hair is neatly combed at the back, has long ears and long canine teeth that punctures its way to suck blood. Tell your child that Dracula can also shape- shift into a bat at its will.
- Also tell them that it’s loosely based on the life of Vlad III or Vlad the Impaler who killed nearly 40,000 to 1, 00000 people and dipped his bread in the blood of those who were dead. Your child can color this monster in whatever shades of grey he or she can to portray its villainy.
Introducing your child to the world of monsters is not to scare them but make them able judge what is good and what is evil. The evil will always be ugly and deformed in some way or the other. It’s very important to develop in your children the understanding to protect them in the real world where evil lurks its way in many forms.
These free printable monster coloring pages online will however, bring a fun experience to know the different monsters and their ways as told through ages. Your child will be able to distinguish them clearly and boast of his or her own knowledge thus gained.
Let us know how your child felt while coloring these monster coloring sheets and knowing the facts in the section below.